{1} Back at School

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Another year at Hogwarts. I sigh as I step foot in the Hogwarts Express. I like Hogwarts, I like spells and potions, but I hate studying.
I get into the compartment with my friends and sit in the window seat. Millie and Finn sit on the opposite seats as me.

"I'm glad to be back, but if anyone fucks with us this year I swear I'll hurt someone." Millie says and I chuckle.

I love her. She's my best friend, and we match the same energy, which makes it extra fun to be around each other.

Last year we had trouble with my sister, Josie Berkley, her boyfriend Colton Davis, and the one and only Draco Malfoy and his friends.

I hate him, he's the worst person alive and I'd like to make his life as miserable just as he makes mine miserable.

My sister and I used to be best friends and really close, but not anymore. Ever since the incident with our parents, she took my father's side and I took my mother's, it tore us apart, and now she likes to make my life miserable as well.
Then there's Colton, her boyfriend. He's all over her and practically does everything she says. She treats him like a servant and he obeys her. He looks tough, but in reality he's all talk.

"Belle?" I look up from the window and meet Millie's eyes. "Sorry, what did you say?" I respond and give her a weak smile. "I didn't, you just looked out of it." She gives me a smile back.

"I'm going to use the ladies room." I say and get out of the compartment.

I continue walking when the compartment door next to me opens and Draco Malfoy walks out.

"Watch where you're going slut." He says as he bumps into me, and it takes a lot not to hit him in the face right now.

"Could say the same thing to you Malfoy." I roll my eyes and keep walking when he grabs my wrist and makes me stop. "Watch your tone Berkley." He hisses as I meet his eyes.

"Watch yours."

I yank my arm out of his grip and walk away from him. I am not in the mood for anything right now, so I just want to avoid him, even though it'll be hard since we're both Slytherin and we have classes together.

I get back into the compartment with my friends in it and sit down.

I'm exhausted and all I want is to fall asleep in my bed, but that won't happen for a while, and definitely not when there's a welcome back party in my common room.

"We're here." I slowly open my eyes and meet Finn's. "Slept well?" Millie chuckles and I roll my eyes. I don't respond, somehow this nap made my mood even worse.

Millie walks out and Finn stands up. "You can go, I'll catch up." I give him a weak smile again and he returns it. "You sure?" He asks and I nod my head.

Finn walks out and I take a deep breath. Just two more years at Hogwarts. If nothing bad happens . . .

Okay. Pull yourself together Isabelle, you've got this.

I grab my stuff and get out of the compartment.

I take a deep breath as I step out of the Hogwarts Express and I walk towards the carriages.

I start looking for my friends, but there's only one carriage left.

You've got to be kidding me. "Excuse me professor, are there any other carriages?" I meet professor Flitwick his eyes but he shakes his head.

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