{10} Leaving

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I pace around in my room.

He expects me to kill someone, and basically start a war?

I changed into a sweater and shorts right away when I got in my room.

Why does he expect me to do that? When I've never met him before, and I never said anything about wanting to serve him.

My door bursts open and I meet Malfoy's eyes.

"What," I start but he cuts me off. "When did you get it?" He raises his voice and I frown.

"When did I get what?" I ask and he groans. "The fucking mark, don't play dumb Berkley."

He thinks I have the dark mark, but why wouldn't he? Because that should be the only explanation, but I'm lost too.

"I don't have it Malfoy." I say and sigh loudly.

"Bullshit." He spits and he grabs my arm, and raises my sleeve.

I get scared for a moment.

I know I don't have it, but I know where he's coming from, and I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it to me without my knowledge.

Sudden relief clouds my emotions, but that quickly disappears when I know that I'll get it soon.

"What the fuck." He says and lets go of my arm.

I pull down the sleeve again and gulp once I meet his eyes.

He has bags under them, he looks pale, tired, but I still see the anger brewing behind his eyes.

"I don't know okay?! I don't fucking know shit!" I snap at him and for a second he studies me.

"Why the fuck would he trust you, if you don't have the fucking mark!?" He snaps back at me.

"I never wanted this Malfoy! My parents don't tell me shit!" I keep my voice raised.

"Just don't get in my fucking way, Berkley!" He responds and I scoff.

Don't get in his fucking way? Does he think that I want to fucking do this?

"As much as I just want to fucking leave, I'm in this too, whether you like it or not." I roll my eyes but keep my voice under control.

Without another word, he leaves and slams the door shut behind him.

It's not like I want to be in this situation, it's not like I want to be serving Voldemort, it's not like I want to do shit for him and turn into a Death Eater, and he needs to get that into his fucking brain.

Christmas is coming up and, like every year, the Malfoy's host a Christmas party here at the mansion.

I love Christmas, but not this year. Only purebloods are allowed with an invitation, which means Pansy and Blaise will be here, and my sister most likely too.


The days went by pretty fast.

They were filled with Death Eater meetings, and my father forced me to take the Dark Mark. When I refused, he didn't like that.

I now do have the mark, but only because he forced it on me when I was drugged. He went way too far, and he'll never be able to turn back.

I will pretend that he doesn't exist. I won't talk to him, I won't look at him, and I won't even notice him. He has officially done it. He drove me so far off the edge that I feel nothing but hate towards him anymore.

I'm once again disappointed in my mother because she, once again, did nothing to stop it. She has always been the one person who knew me, really knew me. She knew how much that mark disgusted me and how I'd rather die than get it, and then she goes behind my back and allows my father to drug me and Voldemort to give me the mark.

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