{24} Draco

902 21 23

TW: assault/rape

He meets my eyes with a look on his face I can't decipher.

It feels like time freezes and we both stay quiet as we stare at each other.

So what the fuck do I do now?

After what feels like hours, he opens his mouth and starts speaking. "Are you out of your fucking mind?!" His voice feels cold and I take a deep breath.

"What? You didn't think I'd actually do nothing, right?" I respond and I see the anger rising.

"If anyone fucking finds you here, you're dead Isabelle. And I'm serious." He says and I chew on my lip.

"What else was I supposed to do!? I need to find Millie! Tell me where she is Malfoy!" I raise my voice but try to keep it low enough so nobody will hear me outside of this room.

I roll my eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"For fuck's sake Malfoy."

I turn my gaze to the window and collect my thoughts.

My mind is going as fast as the Hogwarts Express, trying to figure out what to say.

Millie should be the only thing on my mind. I should push him away, run out of that door, and find Millie.

I take a deep breath before I talk again.

This time I'm standing my ground. I'm not going anywhere until I have a clue about Millie.

"Where is she?" I ask as I meet his eyes again, and I watch him roll his.

"I'm not telling you. All you need to know is that she's fine for now." He responds and a knot forms in my stomach.

"For now?" A frown forms on my face but the anger rises. "Just tell me where the fuck she is Malfoy!" I raise my voice and at this point I forget about anyone finding me.

"I can't!" His voice is raised too, but it feels like I'm angrier than he is.

"You can, and you will. Because if you don't," I start and I study him for a second. "If you don't, I'm walking out of your room and I'll turn this place upside down."

His eyes shoot to mine with yet again, an emotion I can't quite decipher.

"If you find her, you're dead Isabelle. Fucking dead." He then says and it's then that I realize he's called me Isabelle twice now.

"So what?! You don't care, and frankly I don't think I care anymore either! If saving her means dying then be my guest and take my life!" I say with my voice still raised.

In that moment I watch his body tense up and his hands turn into fists, and that's when it hits me.

"Bloody hell . . ." I start with my voice low and he meets my eyes with a frown. I watch him narrow his eyes on mine for a second before I continue talking.

" . . . you do care." I then say and his frown grows a little deeper.

"Why would you, Draco Malfoy, go through all this trouble, telling me I'll die here and there, not wanting me to put my life in danger . . . I've been so focused on, well a lot actually, that I never noticed."

His mouth opens ready to fight back at me, but I'm not done talking yet.

"I never cared to notice but I do now, because you do. You care about me." I study his entire being and I take a deep breath.

"I don't care about you." He responds and without wanting too, a chuckle leaves my lips.

"Sure you don't. So if I walk out of here now, all the way into the meeting room and turn myself in, get myself dead, you wouldn't even care a little bit?"

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