{26} Escape

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Tears are rolling down my cheek but there's not time for it.

No time for anything.

I can't really process what happened and I'm still in life danger when the elevator dings and we're back on the ground floor.

My mind is flooding with thoughts and emotions but I have to lock them away until I'm safe.

If I'll ever really be safe . . .

I'm sure there will be Death Eaters or other people who work here when the doors open and we'll have to fight without our wands.

Your elbow is the strongest, so use it.

That's what my mother used to say to me when me and Josie had fighting lessons.

I guess they kind of helped.

The door fully opens and I hold my breath.

I see no one, but a second later two Death Eaters jump down from the second floor.

Why isn't there a fucking ceiling, bloody hell.

My eyes travel from the Death Eaters to our wands and new hope thrives my adrenaline.

"We get our wands and apparate out of here!" I yell at Draco and he nods.

Nonverbal curses and hexes get shot at us and I dive and avoid them as good as I can.

I feel like a damn ninja and my adrenaline is high as I run out of the elevator.

My wand is getting closer and I reach for it, but before I can grab it a Death Eater tackles me.

He could just kill me with a simple spell but no, he tackles me.

Fucking bitch.

He's on top of me and as he tries to put his wand against my throat I kick and push it away as best I can.

"Get you're filthy hands off me!" I yell and try to kick my knee into his behind.

I know I'm hurting him but he doesn't get off me and I hate that.

"Don't fucking touch her! Crucio!" Someone yells and the Death Eater cries out in pain.

He falls off me and I reach for my wand and get up as quickly as I can.

I make eye contact with Draco and I let out a relieved sigh.

That doesn't last long when his curse gets broken off by the other Death Eater yelling, "Expelliarmus!"

Oh come on for fuck's sake!

I can't think straight. The only thing on my mind is getting us out of here alive.

What I do next will always haunt me . . . But I know that it's the only thing I could've possibly done.

"Crucio!" I point my wand at the Death Eater, praying to Merlin I didn't point at Malfoy.

In sudden relieve I see the Death Eater fall back and cry out in pain.

Before I could think and stay still another second, I run towards Malfoy, grab his hand, and apparate us out of here.

One moment I felt like I was going to die out there, and the other I'm standing in my backyard.

I almost throw up but keep it in and take a few deep breaths.

In front of me is my house.

I don't know why but that's the first thing I could think of so that's where we are now.

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