{5} Assault

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!- TW: Sexual Assault -!

I slowly open my eyes and groan when the sunlight shines into them.

My headache is still here, and it feels worse, but luckily my nausea is gone.

I slowly get up and sit against my pillows, scanning the room for Millie, but she's not here.

Who did she fuck?

I chuckle at myself and take a sip from yesterday's water.

I'm not going to do shit today, and I'm going to deal with my hangover.

I quickly put my hair in a messy bun and make myself look somewhat presentable.

I brush my teeth, take a deep breath, and walk out of my dorm.

The common room looks empty, but I see someone sleeping on the couch when I take a better look.

It's Malfoy, and on the other couch is Zabini, both sleeping.

Out of habit I grab two blankets and pull one over both of them.

When I was younger I had a lot of sleepovers outside and inside, and it was always cold, and I was always the last one to fall asleep, so pulling blankets over sleeping people turned into a habit.

I watch both of them sleep for a moment, but when I hear Malfoy groan and turn, I quickly walk away.

For a second I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I decide on getting some food out of the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and find Tom fucking Riddle there too.

I quickly turn around, hoping that he didn't see me, but unfortunately he did.

"No need to run from me, Berkley." He says with a surprisingly normal voice.

"Wasn't trying to." I respond blankly and turn around again.

He huffs and I roll my eyes.

I'm so not in the mood for insults and arguing right now. I just woke up and I have a huge hangover.

All I want is food.

I walk into the kitchen and open the cabinet with bread in it.

I've been in the kitchen a lot, especially at night.

Sometimes I come here to bake cupcakes, make some food, or get some pumpkin juice, and at night I'm certain nobody will interrupt me.

I take some ingredients out of the fridge, ignoring Riddle's presence.

I take everything and make myself three sandwiches, then pour myself a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Hungry?" He asks and I frown at his tone. He's talking like a normal person.

"Hangover." I respond and softly chuckle.

I put the sandwiches on a plate and clean everything up.

"See you whenever, Riddle." I say, not meeting his eyes, as I take my food and walk out of the kitchen.

He doesn't respond and I'm somewhat surprised by what just happened, but maybe he's hangover too, and maybe he doesn't have it in him to insult me right now either.

I walk into the common room, and find the boys still sleeping.

Instead of going to my dorm, I take a book from the bookshelves and sit down at a table.

I start reading and eating my sandwich at the same time. I learned how to multitask, and I'm good at it.

I finish my sandwiches and drink up my pumpkin juice, when I hear someone walk in.

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