{12} Welcome Back Party

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Smut ahead👀

The week at the Burrow went by like a damn train, but I had the best week I've ever had.

We spend time having picnics, playing Quidditch, getting drunk, visiting Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley, and the twins even shared their plan on opening their own shop!

I finally felt like a real teenager, without having a worry or care in the world.

I did so many activities and I spend every day doing stuff with my friends.

Oh and I kissed George again.

I'm so conflicted with myself and my feelings, but honestly there are more important things on my mind right now.

It was, again, on a dare though, and Hermione was the one daring me, so I got her back by daring her to kiss Ron, and that made me proud.

Can you believe that they still haven't shagged? Because I can't.

Harry and Ginny happened too, and I actually caught them snogging when I walked into the kitchen.

They, till this day, still don't know that I caught them, but you better believe that I told the rest.

The Hogwarts Express leaves in one hour, and we're all going back to school.

It makes me nervous to be honest.

Merlin knows what's going to happen this year, but I know that it's not going to be fun.

I'll see Malfoy again, and I don't know how the past week has been going at the Malfoy Manor, and then there's fucking Tom Riddle again.

He was released out of Azkaban, for no fucking reason.

Riddle used the fucking killing curse, and suddenly he gets released out of Azkaban? Nobody gets released from there.

That's not even the worst part, he's attending school again too.

Why would Dumbledore let him back?

The whole situation is very sketchy, and I'm certain there's someone at the Ministry, someone higher than everyone, who made this possible.

Isn't the Ministry supposed to protect us?

"Belle, are you ready?" Hermione's voice comes from the hall and the door opens.

"Coming!" I respond and I quickly zip up my suitcase.

I get downstairs and everyone is already there.

"Now remember, speak clearly!" Molly says and one by one people disappear through the fireplace.

"It's your turn Belle." She meets my eyes and I take a step into the fireplace.

I take a deep breath, "King's Cross Station."

I literally go up in big, bright, green flames, and once I open my eyes again, I'm at the station.

Once everyone is safe and all gathered together, and all our stuff is with us, we run into the wall one by one.

Everyone's back at platform 9 3/4 now.

Someone crashes into me from behind and I jump up. "I missed you!"

I turn around and meet Millie's eyes. They widen and I get excited and happy again.

"Millie!" I hug her again and we chuckle.

"You can tell me later why you're with the Weasley's." She whispers in my ear and I bite my lip.

Nothing slips away from her damn gaze. She notices every little detail.

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