{8} Malfoy Manor

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"Belle, wake up." I faintly hear a voice and someone's hands on my arm, shaking me awake.

I open my eyes slowly and sigh loudly.

I was perfectly fine in my dream, and then Millie wakes me up.

"Mills, let me sleep." I groan as I bury my head back into my pillows, and I hear a frustrated sigh coming from her lips.

"It's 10am, the train leaves in one hour, get your fucking ass up." She yanks away the sheets.

I have like 45 minutes left to get ready, why didn't she wake me earlier?

Suddenly I'm wide awake, and I don't plan on losing time.

I grab some black jeans and a baby blue sweater to go with.

I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, do my makeup, change into my clothes, basically what I do on repeat every morning.

I curl my hair with a spell and walk out of the bathroom.

I didn't pack yesterday, and I have 15 minutes left to get that done.

"Millie please help." I plea when I grab my suitcase from under my bed, and she nods her head.

She puts all my clothes on my bed, and grabs all my stuff from the bathroom while I fold my clothes and put them into my suitcase.

I struggle to make everything fit, probably because we packed in a hurry, but when the zipper closes my suitcase till the end, I let out a breath a didn't know I was holding.

"Three minutes left on the clock." I say with a proud voice and we chuckle.

We then put on our shoes and meet everyone in the courtyard.

"Promise me you'll write." Millie says and I heavily nod my head. "Of course!"

Students are still getting off the Hogwarts Express, and I want to say goodbye to my friends, but I'm not sure where they are.

"Where are," I start but then I see them walk out.

"Let's say goodbye." I meet Millie's eyes with a smile, and pull her with me.

"Hey!" Hermione says and I meet her eyes.

"I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye." I respond as I pull her into a hug.

"Will you write?" She asks into my hair and I nod my head. "Only if you will." I let her go and we chuckle.

I then hug Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and even Ginny goodbye.

I haven't spend a lot of time with Ginny, but she seems really nice.

"Don't die Berkley." George says and I chuckle.

"We'll see." I respond and roll my eyes with a smile.

I don't know why I never spend time with these people. They are the best, and really good friends.

Maybe it was because I was scared that they'd turn me down because I'm a Slytherin, but I don't feel that way anymore at all.

"Who were those people you were talking to?" I gulp and meet my father's eyes.

"Friends." I state and he scoffs.

Fuck you. I don't even want to talk to you.

My mother walks towards me and she pulls me into a quick hug. "Hey mum." I say and give her a smile, which she returns.

I'm not sure where Josie is, but she isn't spending these weeks with us, so I couldn't care less.

"Lucius!" My father says and the color drains from my face as I turn around to meet the Malfoy's.

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