{18} Changes

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Professor McGonagall arranged something for Dumbledore in the courtyard, and everyone is encouraged to be there at 3 pm.

It's now almost time, but I decided not to go during breakfast.

I have to talk to Malfoy, and continue arguing until I have my answers, and now is the perfect opportunity because I know that he's not going either.

When I left George's room this morning, I was still wearing his clothes.

At the moment I'm wearing my own clothes, but I still have his.

We didn't talk about what we are now, and to be honest I'm nervous even thinking about it.

I push my thoughts away and make my way to his dorm.

He's probably not there, but I don't know where else he could be, so I make my way to his dorm and hesitate before knocking on his door.

Thankfully nobody saw me though.

Before I knock, I set my thoughts straight.

I need to know about Finn, about what he had to say yesterday, and about Voldemort, and I'm not leaving until I have my answers.

No matter how fucked up it gets in there.

I finally knock on his door.

There's no answer, and I want to turn around, but the door swings open and I stop in my tracks.

"We need to talk." I say as I meet his eyes.

I push my way into his dorm, past him, and not giving him time to argue with it.

"What the fuck do you need Berkley?" He says as he closes the door, but his voice isn't annoyed, more exhausted.

"What did you need to talk about yesterday?" I ask and I take a deep breath before I meet his eyes again.

"It doesn't matter." He responds and I bite my lip. "Yes it does. I'm here now, and I need to know."

I hear him sigh and I take a deep breath again, mentally preparing myself for the fight that's brewing.

"It's none of your fucking business anymore, Dumbledore is dead, and that's it." He says and I roll my eyes.

"No. Don't fucking do that Malfoy. Just fucking talk because I'm not leaving until I have the answers I need, and I know for a fact that you have them."

There's a moment of silence and I start fumbling with my ring, but I stand with my statement.

I'm not leaving without my answers.

"Where's Finn? What happened to him?" I blurt out, and I regret it when I see his emotions change. "What the fuck do you know about Finn?" He responds and I gulp.

What does he mean?

"No, what do you know about Finn? And you better tell me now Malfoy, or I'll fucking make you talk." I threaten, even though I'm bluffing, I just need to sound like I'm serious.

His entire body language changed into anger and . . . guilt? I don't know, I'm not the best at reading him.

"That's what you wanted to talk about yesterday, right?" I talk again, but I'm just guessing in the dark, hoping I guess it right.

"I never wanted it, you have to know that." He says and I frown, and my anxiety rises. "Fucking tell me!"

I take a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for his answer, not knowing there's no preparing for that.

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