{9} Family Duties

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Trigger Warning: self harming mentions and abusive father figures!

-+ Isabelle +-

I wake up pretty early, and the sun hasn't fully risen yet.

I want to go outside and watch it, but I don't know this house at all, I don't know where to go, so I can't wander around.

Breakfast will probably be with everyone, so I don't want to grab something to eat and not have any appetite when everyone eats.

I'm on dangerous territory.

I don't know anything about this place, I don't know what is and isn't acceptable with the Malfoy's.

I end up watching the sunrise through my window, and a knock on my door gets my attention.

"Come in." I say and meet my mother's eyes once she walks in.

"Get dressed, you'll have something to take care of with Malfoy, and your father and I need to talk to you."

She leaves immediately and a frown grows on my face.

What the fuck is she talking about?

Something to take care of with Malfoy?

Now my life is really going to change. Whatever my parents are going to tell me, it's nothing good, and it will probably ruin everything.

I never know what to wear around the Malfoy's. They're always so overdressed, and I don't want to walk in in jeans and a sweater.

I grab a cobalt blue dress out of my closet.

My mother gifted this to me last year, but I've never worn it, maybe this is a good time to wear it.

Fuck I don't want to go downstairs. I don't want any of this.

I'd prefer to just run away right now and never look back, but I couldn't do that, not while I know the people that I love are in danger, or will be in danger.

I walk down the stairs, and see everyone, besides Draco, seated around the dinner table.

Here goes nothing.

I take a deep breath and sit down in front of my parents.

I mentally prepare myself for what's coming, not knowing that what's coming is not something you can prepare for.

"We have great news." My father starts and I meet his eyes.

"Tomorrow the Dark Lord will personally come here, and you'll be blessed with the Dark Mark!" My father says in excitement.

My heart drops, through the ground, and it feels like it doesn't stop.

I can't become a Death Eater. I can't fucking serve that brutal maniac. I don't want this.

I want to lash out. I want to grab my father's throat and strangle him, but I can't, not in front of the Malfoy's, but what I do next isn't exactly better.

I hit my father.

It isn't until I hear my mother gasp loudly, I realize what I've done.

I've unleashed the monster, and I don't think he can control himself anymore.

I meet my mother's eyes, and for the first time in front of my parents, I feel tears threatening my eyes.

Tears because I'm scared for my future, not because I regret it.

My father grabs my wrist, which I haven't had time to pull back yet, out of pure shock of my response, and he holds it very tightly.

"Isabelle Berkley!" He roars as he gets up and pulls me with him.

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