{23} Grimmauld Place

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I wake up sweating from a nightmare and find myself calming down when I realize I'm okay.

Last night I fell asleep on the couch, and I remember crying myself to sleep.

Why did they take only Millie and not me too?

And who was Malfoy talking to when I came back into the room?

I used to be a target, but I guess after they found out about those powers, I wasn't important anymore.

Maybe I never was, maybe they just needed me to get to Millie.

This is all my fault, isn't it?

No. Stop. I can't blame myself for the fact that Millie got taken. That's all on him.

That's all on his betrayal.

His mixed signals are killing me. The I care, no I don't. The not wanting me to fight in the war and then betraying us to the enemy.

I don't know what he wants, but I know what I need, and that's not him or his lies.

I need Millie back. I need to save her.

The next best thing I can do is search for Millie, but where on earth can I find her?

I'm back at zero, and I could cry again.

Malfoy is the one who would know where she is, and I need to know.

I can't just walk back to the Malfoy Manor. I did it before when I was a target, but this . . . this is way worse.

Who knows what they're planning to do to me when I walk in there? I just can't.

I'm not a target anymore which means that they have no fucking reason for me to be alive and I'll just be collateral damage.

The minute I walk into there and someone sees me, they'll Avada Kedavra my ass sooner than I can say Merlin.

He's the person I need to talk to so I can find out where Millie is, but I also don't know where he is.

Plus, do I really want to talk to him?

I can't fucking believe I got us into this mess.

Maybe if I would've just given in, Millie wouldn't have to go through this pain . . .

I shake away my thoughts and decide on a hot shower to calm my nerves.

It does give me the time to plan what my next move is going to be, even though I'll overthink everything, and especially Millie's safety, but I need a plan.

And a good one this time.

I take a tshirt of Millie's out of her backpack, and I grab my pants from the floor.

I wore those yesterday, and the day before that, but It's not like I have time to wash my clothes.

The hot water calms my skin and reduces my headache.

Thank Merlin. My head has been hurting since I woke up.

I finish washing my body and hair, and now there's no more stretching out the inevitable.

My only lead right now is Malfoy.

I could wait and see if he'll come back, but after what happened, I don't think he'll ever set another foot into this cabin.

I take a deep breath and clear my mind as I straighten out my emotions.

The last thing I need is to overthink the entire thing and ruin any chance Millie has left . . . any chance Hogwarts has left . . .

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