{25} Millie

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I wake up and slowly open my eyes to look at the time.

The clock strikes 4am and I sigh loudly as I let my head fall back into my pillow.

Okay. Great. Who needs sleep anyway?

I check next to me and see Malfoy still sleeping.

A small smile grows on my face and I roll my eyes at myself the moment I realize it's there.

I quietly get out of the bed and make my way to the window.

I would go downstairs and make myself some tea, but I'm not exactly in a house where I can do that.

I let my body lean against the wall and slowly slide down to the ground, just staring out the window.

Today could be it, y'know?

Yes I know how many times I've said that, thousands, maybe even millions, but this time it's different.

I just feel like something's going to go very wrong and I'll get killed when I get caught . . . or maybe I won't find anyone . . . what if Millie's already dead?

No stop. I can't think like that because once the negative thoughts get in, I'll drown.

I turn my attention back on the outside and take a moment to appreciate the faint stars in the sky and the very early sunrise that's coming.

Draco is taking me to Millie today, and I'm going to find her and safe her and we're going to be okay.

We're going to be okay.

I close my eyes for a moment, but that doesn't last long when I hear him yell, "No!!"

I jump up from the floor, my heart pounding from the scare and make my way to him.

He's sweating and suddenly he doesn't look as peaceful as he did when I woke up.

"Draco, wake up." I say with a low, but worried voice and shake his shoulders.

His eyes snap open and he jumps up and I meet his eyes. The look on his face is pure fear and I'm actually worried for him.

"Hey it's okay. It's just a nightmare." I try to meet his eyes again but he's scanning his surroundings, still with fear on his face.

"Hey," I say as I put my hand on his cheek and he finally meets my eyes. "You're okay."

"I'm okay." He whispers and I nod my head as I try to hide the worry on my face.

He seriously looks terrified and it makes my heart ache to think about how often he has these nightmares with no one in the same room.

I want to get up but the second I even move he says, "stay." I look at him and I take a deep breath.

"I'm not leaving." I assure him and he slowly nods his head.

"I'll get you some water." I say as I get up and he grabs my wrist. "No. You told me you wouldn't leave."

My heart aches at how fragile he is right now. He really thinks I'd use getting water as an excuse to leave? What happened that gave him these worries?

"Draco look at me." I say as I sit down again and he meets my eyes. "I'm not leaving."

He doesn't respond and I let out a soft sigh. "Move over." I say and he does.

I lay down next to him and rest my head on his chest. "You're okay." I whisper and he kisses my head.

I don't fall back asleep, and neither does he. We just lay in silence, stretching out the inevitable; getting up and facing reality again.

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