{4} Veritaserum

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"Are you out of your damn mind Berkley?!" Millie raises her voice.

"It was a mistake! I'm never letting it happen again." I say and meet her eyes.

I'm not lying. I will never let Riddle touch me ever again. I'll barely even talk to him.

"If I ever catch you two together," She responds but I cut her off. "Shut it."

We get up from our beds and walk into the common room.

It's as good as empty and we sit down at a table to do some homework.

It's Friday today, but we don't have class. We want to get as much work done as possible, because we won't get a lot done this weekend.

There's a party here tonight and I'm planning on getting wasted.

We start studying, and for the first time, we're not gossiping and getting distracted.

"I'm done." I say after studying for two full hours.

I'm not practically done with everything, but I've done enough for today.

"You're going to the party right?" I ask as I close my book, and Millie nods.


I take my books and put them in my bag.

I leave my bag here with Millie because I know that she's stopping by our dorm, so she can leave my stuff there.

I leave the common room and wander around the castle for a while.

Even though there are students active in the corridors, I still like to just walk around Hogwarts.

"Berkley!" I hear a voice and I turn around to meet Fred's eyes.

"Hey!" I say and give him a smile.

He has a smirk on his face, so he probably has a plan or prank of some sort.

"You're going to the party right?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Good. I happen to have some veritaserum." The smirk grows and I catch a grin on mine.

"That's perfect!" I exclaim and we laugh.

"Nice job, Weasley." I chuckle and he winks at me.

Dinner starts and I take a seat next to Finn.

The day went by fast and silent. I woke up late, I studied half the afternoon, and I took some time for myself.

I put some food on my plate and start eating.

I'm starving because I skipped lunch, and barely ate at breakfast.

Next week is the last week at Hogwarts, and then we finally have our Christmas holiday.

I glance over at my sister and her friends, and notice that Malfoy is missing.

He's missing rather a lot lately.

He barely talks during classes, and I see him not as often as I used to.

I don't care of course, it's Draco Malfoy. I'm just curious.

I quickly look away from them again when a couple owls fly in with mail.

I see our house owl with a letter, and suddenly I get very anxious.

I never get letters from home. My father despises me, and my mother just never sends letters. I don't even know why my father still lives in that damn house.

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