{19} Pain

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Hey! My internship started yesterday, so the next chapters will be published a little slower than usual because I'm busy, but I'm working on it!

TW: slight self harm remembering

-+ Isabelle +-

"Why? Why would you come with me?" I nervously pace around in my dorm as I wait for Malfoy to answer me.

There's no reason, no reason at all, for him to come with me.

I've been there for a week and I know my way around.

Yes it will be crawled with Death Eaters, and it'll take a whole lot of luck for this to go perfect, but still.

Plus, I can't think of one good reason for him to come with me. He doesn't care about me and he wouldn't care if I died, so what's the reason?

"When are we leaving?" He asks after a long moment of silence, completely ignoring me.

"When it's dark." I respond with a low voice.

I decide to just let it slip and not push him. There's no point in trying to talk him out of it because it won't work.

I take a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.

The truth is, I have no idea what's waiting for me, or what I'm going to witness.

A couple hours go by, and Malfoy left a while ago.

I'm meeting him in the courtyard, and then he'll apparate us to the Malfoy Manor.

My anxiety is rising as I make my way out of the common room, and I feel like I'm getting more nervous every step I take.

I know that this is a reckless mission, but I'm not going to let Finn get tortured any longer, I can't.

I take a deep breath when I walk into the courtyard, and wait for Malfoy to show up.

After ten minutes I start to doubt.

Is he coming at all?

Then I get snapped out of my thoughts when a platinum blond figure walks towards me.

"Give me your hand." He says and I frown.

I watch him roll his eyes and sigh as he grabs my hand and murmurs, "apparate."

For a second I get nauseous, maybe not eating wasn't the best idea, but I open my eyes and we're standing in front of the Malfoy Manor gate.

"Here goes nothing." I say and reach for the gate, when he aggressively grabs my arm and stops me.

"We have an alarm." He points out and I slowly nod my head. "Right."

"Aren't you the one that spend a week here?" He jokes and I narrow my eyes on him.

"Draco Malfoy, cracking a joke, who would've thought." I chuckle as I watch his face harden again. "Shut the fuck up, Berkley."

"And he's back." I say as I watch him roll his eyes and a soft chuckle leaves my lips.

You can say a lot of things about that boy, but boring is not one of them.

Once he discharged the alarm, the gate opens with a lot of noise, and suddenly I'm anxious for someone to wake up and catch us.

My mind travels to my sister, and a knot grows in my stomach.

She hasn't been to school for ages and I haven't seen or heard anything about her.

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