{22} Fear

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I don't know what to say, or what to do.

It's been a couple of minutes and I'm still standing in the same spot, trying to progress what just happened.

He cares? About me? Why?

A door opens and I jump as I meet Millie's eyes.

Right, Millie.

"Hey, unpacked well?" I ask and she folds her arms with a knowing look. "You heard everything, didn't you?"

She nods her head and I sigh as I fall back on the couch.

"We are going to talk about that, but first things first, are you okay? With what happened at Hogwarts." She says and I totally forgot about that.

She makes her way to the couch and sits down next to me.

I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. "I think I am," I start and meet her eyes. "I just don't understand how he can go from that confession to this so quick."

Millie opens her mouth but I continue ranting.

"I mean, I think it's my fault. I just disappeared and didn't tell him anything, I understand he's not going to wait and that's fine." I turn my gaze to the floor for a moment before I continue.

"At least I know where we're standing. The only thing that should be on my mind is you and the war, not stupid boys." I softly chuckle and Millie does too when I meet her eyes again.

"Hmhm." She responds and looks at the door knowingly and I roll my eyes.

"What matters is that I'm letting go. I have to." I give her a weak smile and she nods her head.

I have to.

He's not waiting and let's face it, there's no way we could ever be together in this lifetime.

It'll hurt to let go for some time, but holding on would've hurt even more.

"Y'know," I start and gesture to the door. "I'm loosing my mind trying to understand these feelings, or whatever it is."

"I mean, Draco Malfoy, said that!?" I raise my voice a little and we chuckle.

"You should talk to him y'know." Millie says and my eyes widen in disbelieve. "Are you sick?" I respond and put my hand on her forehead.

"No I'm not, get your hands off me." She chuckles and a smile grows on my face.

"I just want you to be happy, and although I'm not sure if Malfoy is the perfect guy for that, you should explore." She continues and my eyes widen even more.

"Okay okay, enough about boys, I'll talk to him, but right now I want to talk about you." I say and I meet her eyes.

"What's there to talk about?" She questions and I take a deep breath before I softly sigh.

"Once the war at Hogwarts has started, I'm going to fight too, and you can't change my mind and I'm not letting you leave the cabin during the war." I gulp and she frowns.

"That's bullshit! I should help you! I know by now I can't change your mind about the fight, but you can't make me sit here and do nothing Belle."

She doesn't raise her voice, it's more worry and something else.

"You're a bigger target that I am right now. You should stay! I don't want you to have the same fate as Finn." I start and pain flashes through her eyes. "Look Mills, we should train whatever powers you have to use it for the good."

A grin grows on her face and she nods her head.

"Stay. I'll be back." I say as I get up from the couch and walk towards the door.

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