{16} The Truth

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"Belle you need to help me!" Finn yells in pain as he tries to meet my eyes.

He's sitting tied up on a chair, not able to move, with Death Eaters surrounding them.

"I don't know how!" I cry back as I stand there, completely frozen.

"Those powers of yours, we can use them." Bellatrix says as she slowly circles around him.

She stops in front of him, and leans into his face as she whispers something I can't understand.

I jump as he spits in her face, and she backs up.

"Crucio!" She points het wand at Finn, and his painful cries are deafening in my eyes.

"Stop!" I yell at the top of my lungs, but it's no use, and all I get is a fucking grin from Bellatrix.

"Belle!" I jump up and let out a scream as I look around in fear.

"You're safe!" I hear Millie's voice and I meet her eyes. "Finn! He's in pain! Millie, we need to help him!" My voice breaks a couple times.

I'm sweating, I'm hot, and my breathing is irregular.

"You had a nightmare, Belle." Millie touches my arm and I flinch.

It wasn't a nightmare, or maybe it was? It felt so fucking real, as if I was there, but I couldn't help, I couldn't move.

Millie takes me into a hug and I hug her back.

For now, I'm safe, but I'm terrified for Finn's safety.

We decide on skipping all our classes today, and focus on Finn and getting information.

I hate missing Astronomy, because I love it, but Finn is way more important, especially now.

Instead of asking Professor McGonagall if Dumbledore is already back, we decide on knocking on his office door.

We take the stairs, and I knock loudly on his door.

No answer.

Then Millie knocks even louder, but again, no answer.

"Where could he possibly have gone to?!" I groan and let my body lean against the wall. "What do we do now?" I meet Millie's eyes.

"I don't know." Millie shrugs her shoulders and leans against the wall too.

My eyes widen when a thought pops into my head. "Megan! She heard him!"

Millie nods, and we leave Dumbledore's office.

"Luna!" I call when I watch her leave the Great Hall. She turns around with a smile, and I catch my breath before I talk again. "Do you know where Megan is?"

"I think she's in the library." She responds and I smile at her. "Thank you!"

Millie and I run through the corridors and make our way to the library.

Madam Pince shushes us when we barge into the library, but we don't even look at her.

My eyes immediately scan the room, and finally land on Megan studying.

It's no use to rush to her side and start talking gibberish, so we calm ourselves as we walk over to her.

"Hey, Megan?" I say and she meets my eyes with a weak smile. "Hey."

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