Chapter 3 - Movies and Talks

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Rick Castle's POV

Once I got out to the car Alexis asked what happened in there.

"What do you mean?" I asked and met her gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Did you get into trouble again?" she asked with an evil grin and I laughed.

"Not this time pumpkin, but I get a feeling I will see your principal again" I said without thinking.

My body tensed and I felt the suspicious look my daughter was giving me.

"Like a date?" she questioned and I gave myself a mental slap in the face.

"I don't know pumpkin, why?" I asked and mental-slapped myself again.

I observed her in the mirror as much as I could while driving. I saw her shrug her small shoulders while she looked out the window.

"I don't know, she seems nice" she said and I smiled.

"Does that mean you're going to get into trouble to see her?" I teased and she gasped.

"No!" she called out and I chuckled.

"Not even if it would mean she would call me to get there?" I asked and she looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Why would...? Just go talk to her yourself, you don't need me to see her" she said when she figured out what I had meant.

I was shocked how quickly she had understood what I had meant. After all she was only six years old! But she was smarter than I could have ever imagined, and to be honest it kind of scared me how fast she could put pieces together. One time I did the mistake to give her a clue to where her birthday party would be, not a clue which even a ten year old would be able to figure out, and she cracked it in less than half a day.

"Do you want her to be your friend?" Alexis asked and dragged me out of thought as I pulled into the parking garage.

"I don't know pumpkin, maybe" I said and killed the engine.

We walked out of the car and went up to the apartment. Later after dinner I made popcorn as decided and we snuggled down in the couch watching a Disney movie Alexis chose. As she drifted of to sleep I pulled out my phone and searched for Kate Beckett to see if I could find her number, I knew it was a little stalker warning but I felt I needed to search for her. She was mysterious and there was something about her that made me want to try solve the mystery around her.

Kate Beckett's POV

"Ooh, girl, you are late" Lanie said as she opened the door and I laughed.

"Lanie, I walked here first thing after work!" I defended myself and she eyed me.

"Mhmm" she said and let me in before closing the door behind me.

I chuckled while shaking my head and I put my stuff by the door, hanging my jacket by one of the hooks.

"So why did you demand me to come here?" I asked while I walked towards the kitchen where Lanie had gone.

"Isn't the reason that I want to see my best friend good enough?" she asked and opened the fridge.

"Lanie, we see each other every day at work, so no, that's not good enough" I laughed and she turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Since it's thursday I believe it would be inappropiate with alcohol so I have some soda right here" she said as she took out two cans of coca-cola out of the fridge.

She handed one to me and I chuckled. We opened them and took a sip each.

"So, how about ordering in food?" Lanie asked and I smiled.

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