Chapter 27- Taerose

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!!!I published the continuation in Ministories!!!

The Park family owns a small restaurant that brings them a decent income, enough to support their small family.
But it attracted the attention of bandits who often come and ask them for money. One such day, their daughter Chaeyoung returns home and catches them threatening her parents.

To scare them and drive them away, Chaeyoung tells them that she is Kim Taehyung's fiancée, and if they don't leave her family alone then Kim Taehyung will come and destroy them.
The bandits, after looking at each other in astonishment, apologized and left.
Chaeyoung happily looked at her parents who looked scared

Chae: Mom, Dad, what happened, why are you looking at me like that, the bandits are gone, aren't you happy?

Chae's father: Chae, darling, are you Kim Taehyung's fiancée? That Kim Taehyung?

Chae: What are you talking about, Dad, I just said the first thing that came to my mind and it worked!

What Chaeyoung did not know was that Kim Taehyung was one of the most dangerous people in Korea, and rumors that he has a fiancée reached his ears.

Something like that, if anyone wants to continue this idea is welcome. You can also recommend this idea to someone. Thank you!

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