Scenario 8 - Rosekook

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Everyone knows that the positive character in fairy tales always has a happy ending. Utopia is a world in which fairy tale characters live their lives. Here are dragons, princes, and princesses, vampires and werewolves, fairies and wizards.... the list goes on. Everyone has their land. According to the classic, the positive characters always win, regardless of the situation and everyone accepts their fate, well almost all of them. Jungkook is that antagonist who is tired of always losing, especially for someone competitive like him.

Jungkook is tired of watching everyone have a happy ending, and he always loses to some nice princes. Jungkook also wants to have a happy ending to meet someone who loves him and stop his curse once. Yes, Jungkook is cursed, he is immortal and forced to live in his dark castle in the depths of the forest, where he brought the most hideous creatures as the people of their land consider them. The years made him harsh and closed in on himself, finding pity only from the creatures in the forest that people drive away or kill for their fur and the treasures they have. Jungkook is the only one who protects them from others, that's why people see him as a monster that lives among monsters.

Roseanne or Rosie as she is called by her friends is a good character and that any positive female character is destined to be married to a prince or a handsome brave. Rosie is too good as the people in her village say, she sees the good and the beautiful in everything, and the creatures around her adore her. Of course, some envy her and want her to disappear. So one day they took her to the forest under the pretext of raising berries for the needy, and Rosie, having the heart of an angel, accepted. Picking berries, her attention is distracted by the beauties around her, she doesn't notice how the others left, leaving her as prey for the beasts from the forest.

When she realized that she was lost, it was already night, the fog and the cold surrounded her, looking for this way out, she reached the dark depths of the forest, continuing to walk she noticed a light and headed towards it, finding there a high and gloomy temple. Excited, she runs to the temple without fear that there may be a monster or danger, reaching the door she notices that it is not closed, and decides to enter, but does not see very well, the room is lit only by the fire of the fireplace and a few torches, walking further she stumbles over something... and falls into the arms... exactly... the owner of the castle... but he does not react too quickly... so Rosie examining him notices that he is injured and immediately tries to help him but is stopped by his hand...

J: Who the hell are you?

R: You're hurt let me help you...

J: No need, the wounds will heal on their own, what, do you not know that I am immortal... and who I am...

R: I know..., but the wounds need to be treated anyway, doesn't it hurt?

Jungkook looks at her intently and puzzled, it seemed, or for the first time in his life, someone is worried about his pain...

J: Just a little... And yet who are you?

R: Rosie...

Something like that. If anyone wants to continue this story or take the idea, or whatever, let me know in the comments. Thank you!!!!

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