💚Ruke Fights💚

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warning - maybe TW

Reggie POV 

Luke was not always there for me when my parents were fighting. Alex on the other hand tried 

caring but was too depressed about being kicked out when he came out as gay. I don't blame

 him that was a hard time he was going through. The day that I was gonna tell Luke I like him in

 1990 he ask Alex on a date. I knew I lost my chance. I was the only child in my family. I still have 

the bruises from beer bottles, plates knives, etc being thrown. Every day I was hoping that Luke

 and Alex would break up so I could get Luke. No. I would walk in Alex and Luke would be 

sleeping or talking or making out. My dad would yell for me to shut up I wasn't important.

The only one who would know what I was going through would be Alex. When he came out as 

gay he parents made him doubt he almost committed suicide. I didn't mention it. I kept all my 

feeling inside. I looked up from where  I and Luke were cuddling. I saw Alex and Willie Cuddling 

and saw Alex give Willie a kiss on the cheek. I saw Alex on his phone same as Willie seeing them

laugh. I look a Julie and Flynn who were doing homework. Carrie and Kayla were in the back 

practicing WOW from Dirty Candy. My life was perfect great friends perfect boyfriend. One thing

 was missing my family. I just thought my friends are my family. Also, Ray adopted me so.

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