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I'm saying this because I just need to get this at some point about and Alex so I feel the love that people like straight couples a little bit more than a gay couple in shows like Julie and the phantoms I know this is gonna be controversial or something I have to get out because it's gonna be like but I'm just gonna say it people like straight couples bc at Adam and Eve that's how God Wanted it to be like a boy and a girl get married their kids off at some when I watch Julie and the phantoms and I saw that Oh Alex was gay and that it was a gay couple this I love this show because it has representation with Julie being Hispanic and all of this I loved how long did the representation but then when they got to couples and it was Willie and Alex how they were both male and I'll be both liked each other I think I'll people like oh he's gay oh am I shouldn't be sharing my kids this is this too grown-up I don't like this I hate how they did this it was good all the way up to this point yeah I'm never watching this again some people might have thought that and Me! with homophobic parents knowing that all I watch is with my mom and my dad sister I loved it I think they liked it but it was just a little but they had it on and then when I actually think about it I'm like Reggie milk Reggie and Alex Reggie I mean Alex and Luke Alex Willy those are gay and then if you go to The lesbian once those on Canon bc fans made that. think some people are like oh boy and a boy getting married but that's not good a boy and a boy kissing but that's gross a boy hugging that's eww it is still Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam so I just think that it's sad that people actually wanna criticize you and I just wanna support willex I on support everybody who's going through this and love you awesome so I love you a little bit more just a small tiny reason I just know I love you I love you I love you so much I love you so much have a good rest of your day



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