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Warning- sad homophobic words 


I was also depressed. I thought no point in living I couldn't say anything because they just would not understand it.  

Willie made me this so every time I wanted to commit suicide i would see this.

1.I miss you.
2.I miss the way we used to talk.
3.I miss how you made me smile by saying somthing stupid or calling me stupid.
4.I liked how we could joke with each other all the time and never ever get offended.
5.I miss the phone calls every night.
6.I miss the goodmorning texts.
7.I miss how I used to get so annoyed when you fell asleep on the phone. (Though I liked it because I was the last voice you heard before you fell asleep.)
8.I miss how we could talk for hours and never get bored.
9.I miss how we didn't have to say anything and it was never awkward.
10.I miss the way our hands intertwine.
11.I miss that voice you used to do to try to turn me on and act adorable. (It always worked.)
12.I miss the way our lips fit perfectly with each other.
13.I miss your touch.
14.I miss holding you.
15.I miss my arms around your waist.
16.I miss when you kiss my cheek.
17.I miss your long meaningful hugs.
18.I miss your voice.
19.I miss your presence.
20.I miss how you understood everything.
21.I miss how you never judged me.
22.I miss calling you mine.
23.I miss you calling me yours.
24.I miss your smile.
25.I miss your laugh.
26.I miss your eyes.
27.I miss the smell of your hair.
28.I miss your craziness.
29.I miss the way you looked at me.
30.I miss making you laugh.
31.I miss calling you baby.
32.I miss you calling me baby.
33.I miss being your first priority.
34.I miss how I could be depressed to the point where I want to kill myself, and just a call from you made me forget all my problems.
35.I miss watching movies with you.
36.I miss you hitting me playfully.
37.I miss how proud I used to make you.
38.I miss always having you there.
39.I miss our bodies touching as we kissed.
40.I miss taking pictures of you sleeping.
41.I miss seeing you everyday.
42.I miss texting you every second of every minute of every hour of every day.
43.I miss you caring for me all the time.
44.I miss you knowing my feelings all the time.
45.I miss trying to make you mad.
46.I miss you thinking it was cute when I bit my lip.
47.I miss you pulling me in by my shirt and kissing me.
48.I miss you walking me to class and me attempting to walk you to class.
49.I miss your spontaneousness.
50.I miss you being in love with me.

I knew he was right but I still wanted to leave. He would call me every day making sure I was alive. He loved me and I loved him. But I was missing something someone.

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