🌸Disneyland 🌸

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Everyone goes to Disneyland they are humans. 

Willex ship Juke ship Reggie and Kayla Flynn is here so is Carrie Ray And Carlos 


"Morning babe," I say and kiss Willie on the nose. "You ready," Willie said. "U know it," I said. We walk downstairs. Ray is cooking breakfast. Willie sits down and I sit next to him with my head on his shoulder. Julie walks down wearing her Disneyland merch. "Hey, Papi how Do I look," Julie said. " Amazing," Ray said. I yawn and put my head on WIllie's shoulder and he strokes my hair. I take a waffle and bite it. " Where is Flynn Carrie and Luke, Reggie Kayla and Carlos," Willie said. "Were here," Luke said waking in with Flynn Kayla Reggie Carrie, and Carlos.  I sneeze. "Woah babe are you ok," Willie says. "Yeah Im fine," I say. Willie puts his hand to my forehead.  "Lex you should lay down um Jules do you have any medicine," WIllie said "Im fine," I say. "We have Acetaminophen I think that would help Alex we are gonna leave soon are u gonna go," Julie said. I take the medicine from Julie open it and chug. "Im fine let's go," I say. 

-time skip Disneyland-

Luke POV

Carrie Flynn JUlie and ALex went to get dole whip. Willie was pacing. "What if he says no what if he doesn't feel good what if he is sick," Willie said. "Willie he loves you he is gonna say yes," I said. Alex and the rest come back. "Hey babe," Alex says and takes off his mask to kiss willie on the cheek. Julie comes up to mean I kiss her. " He is gonna do it," Luke said to Julie. We all walk in front of the castle. " OMG are you guys the band JUlie and THe Phantoms!" a girl ran up and said. "Yea!," Reggie said. "Can I have yall autograph!" The girl said. "Ofc," Julie said. Julie signs first then me then Alex then Reggie. "Thanks," The girl says then leaves. I signal for everyone to take their phones out. Willie takes Alex's hands. "Alex Mercer You make me the happiest person on earth I love you with all my heart I wanna be with you forever WIll you marry me," He says he gets down one knee and opens the ring case.  Alex starts crying. People gather around. "yes," He said. Willie stands up Alex takes off his mask and so does WIllie. We hear cheers. 

Willie POV

Alex and I kiss. He moves a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you," Alex said.  We go and ride on some rides. we go on all rollercoasters. It was the best day of our life. 

_at home- 

"Hey Alex how you feeling," Julie asks. "good, wanna watch a movie or play a game Carlos went to bed and ray is upstairs maybe we can play a game," Alex said. "ofc that would be so fun," 

Sorry don't know what I just wrote this is dumb but yea

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