Willex Smut

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Alex was pacing when Willie poofed into the studio for their weekly movie night, where Willie had been catching Alex up on everything gay that had happened in cinema since his death. But by the look on Alex's face, they wouldn't be doing much movie watching that night. "Hotdog?" Willie called, drawing the blond's attention to him. "I need to tell you something." Alex blurted out. "Anything." Willie assured him, perching on the arm of the couch and watching as Alex paced. "Luke and I dated. In the 90s. I never told you that." Alex said after a moment. Willie nodded. "I figured. You guys radiate 'we were boyfriends' vibes." He admitted. Alex froze, spinning to stare at Willie in disbelief. "Wait, you knew?" He questioned. Willie shrugged. "Not for certain. But I knew something had gone on at some point." He answered, and Alex resumed his pacing."We didn't date for long, less than a year." Alex bit his lip. "But we stayed pretty... close afterwards." "I'm not quite sure why this is relevant." Willie frowned, and Alex too a deep breath. "I'm ready." He said quickly. "For what?" Willie asked, confused. Alex bit his lip again. "To sleep with you." He mumbled, and Willie's eyes widened. "Oh, wow. That is not what I expected to hear." Willie joked, his smile falling when he saw the frown on Alex's face. "What else is bothering you?" He asked softly. "Wheneverlukeandiusedtohavesexitwasreallyroughandikindareallywantyoutofuckmeroughly." Alex mumbled, so quick that Willie could barely understand a word that he had said. "Alex breathe." He instructed, and Alex took a deep breath. "Now what on earth did you just say? Cause it sounded like another language." Alex took another deep breath. "Whenever Luke and I used to have sex it was really rough and I kinda really want you to fuck me roughly." Alex repeated, and Willie's jaw dropped. Alex was full of surprises today. "You want me to fuck you? Roughly?" He repeated. Alex nodded. "Well yeah... You've met Luke, I bet you can imagine how he was in the bedroom." He rambled. "Alex..." Willie trailed off and Alex froze, clearly sensing Willie's hesitation. "Oh god, did I go too far? We can just forget this never happened." He said quickly, and Willie shook his head. "No, Alex. You're fine. It's just... I've never topped anyone before." He admitted. "It's not that hard, really." Alex replied, turning bright red at his admission. "If you say so Hotdog." The nickname seemed to calm Alex, the blond finally settling down on the couch next to Willie. "Are we gonna do it here or do you have some secret hidden place for us to go?" He asked. Willie grinned. "I know just the place." - "Is this where you live?" Alex questioned, looking around the hotel room that Willie had brought them to. It looked like any other hotel room that Alex had ever seen, except for one thing. Where the door would normally be was a blank wall, closing the room off to anyone who couldn't poof through walls. Willie shrugged slightly. "Sometimes. Mostly I live at the club with the other dancers. But whenever I need to be alone I come here." He said. Alex nodded. "How did you find it?" He asked and Willie grinned. "Honestly? I was skating down the hallway outside and my board caught on the carpet and I fell through the wall. Then I realised I was in a hotel room that for some reason had no door, so I just started coming here all the time. You're the only person I've ever told about this place, let alone brought them here." He admitted, sitting down on the edge of the large bed. "I'm honoured." Alex sat down next to him and they both fell quiet. "Hey Lex?" Willie whispered, breaking the silence. Alex smiled softly at the nickname. "Yeah?" "I'm kinda nervous, about topping you." Willie looked down at his fingers, his heart skipping a beat when Alex took his hands. "You'll be okay. Plus you know we can always stop if we feel uncomfortable." Alex assured him. "Okay." Willie nodded. Alex grinned. "Yeah?""Yeah. So should I-" Alex cut him off by crashing their lips together and Willie gasped in shock, letting Alex take the lead for a few moments before he took control, pushing the taller boy backwards into the bed and climbed on top of him.Willie's fingers fiddled with the bottom of Alex's shirt, before pulling it off completely and kissing down his chest. He moved away to pull his own shirt off, kicking his shoes into the corner. Alex kicked his own shoes off, watching Willie intently. "Take your pants off." Willie instructed. "You're sure no one will catch us here?" Alex questioned, but obeyed nonetheless. Willie nodded, already removing his own clothes to reveal his naked body, Alex blushing at the sight. "I promise, I don't even think anyone knows about it." He reassured Alex, placing a gentle kiss on the blond's lips. "We're safe here." "Okay." Alex stuttered as Willie's hand made its way down Alex's body and rested on the bulge in his underwear. Willie lent in, connecting their lips again as he massaged the bulge, leaving Alex a moaning mess. "Can I take these off?" He asked, pulling away from Alex's lips. Alex nodded. Willie pulled Alex's underwear off quickly, throwing them aside. "God you're so beautiful." Willie muttered, scanning Alex's body, his mouth practically watering at the size of Alex's cock. "Get up onto the bed." Alex obliged. Willie sat in front of him. "How do you want to do this?" He asked. "It's up to you. Tell me how you want me." Alex replied. Willie bit his lip, thinking. "Okay. Lie down on your back and spread your legs." He said, and Alex did it. Willie ran a hand down Alex's thigh and Alex shuddered. Willie laughed slightly. "I'm gonna put a finger in, okay? Loosen you up so it doesn't hurt as much." Alex nodded. Willie put a lube covered finger in, his other hand on Alex's hip, drawing gentle patterns. After a minute he added a second finger, and after giving Alex a second to adjust he began scissoring his fingers to stretch Alex out. The drummer moaned. "You like that?" Willie asked, adding a third finger, and Alex could tell he was smiling. "Feels so good." Alex replied. Willie removed his fingers, grabbing the lube once again to pour some on his dick. "If you think that was good wait 'til we get to the next part." Willie jerked himself a few times, making sure he had enough lube, before moving closer to Alex, lifting the blond's hips slightly to make it easier, and then slowly entering the blond, both boys gasping at the pleasure. "Tell me when to move." The skater instructed. "Now." Alex whispered. Willie thrusted roughly, and Alex flinched slightly at the discomfort. "Are you okay?" Willie asked, freezing slightly. He knew Alex had asked him to be rough, but he didn't want to hurt the other boy. "Yes." Alex replied, as the pain turned to pleasure. "It feels good now." "Good." Willie said, thrusting again and beginning to set a fast pace, slamming into Alex. Alex moaned and reached down to grab his dick. Willie shoved his hand away, wrapping his own hand around Alex's cock, jerking it in time with his thrusts. "Please Wills." Alex whined, his breath coming out in pants. "Please what?" Willie questioned. Alex moaned loudly, his head falling back. "Harder." Willie complied and the room was filled with the sound of slapping skin, of loud moans and swearing. "I'm so close." Willie gasped, slamming into Alex with as much force as he could, and Alex screamed out in pleasure. "Cum in me, please." Alex begged. "Please Willie, please." Willie moaned loudly as he reached his climax, filling the younger boy with his cum, and Alex followed close behind, his own cum coating their chests. After riding out their highs Willie pulled out, collapsing onto the bed next to Alex. "How was that?" He whispered. Alex smiled shyly, snuggling into Willie. "It was perfect. Thank you." Willie kissed him softly. "Next time, you're topping. I can't wait to have your massive cock inside of me." The skater grinned and Alex turned bright red, biting down on his lip. "Well..." He whispered. "There's always round two."


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