Incorrect quotes part 2

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Willie: Why do people call boys "pretty boy" as an insult? 

That's probably the most flattering thing anyone could say

 to me. Call me pretty boy. I want to be the prettiest boy you've ever seen 

Alex- I- okay 


Reggie: Willie can't be good at everything right? He's gotta be bad at something, like being a bad kisser.

Alex: No great at that especially on the lip and d-

Reggie: Damn...


Reggie: Hold up-


(Playing Dungeons and dragons)

Willie: I roll to steal Alex's heart!

Alex: Willie, you can't-

Willie: *rolls a 20*

Alex: ...

Reggie, the dungeon master: You have a spring wedding. I am Alex's best man. Julie is Willie's maid of honor.


Alex- *aggressively cuts off the ends of all my shirts and tie dyes them*

*kisses fingers and points to the sky*

for Willie


Alex- can't talk right now I'm doing hot girl shit *screams inside a museum*


Julie to Luke- Why is Alex making out with air?

Luke- It's Willie 

Julie-should we stop him?

Luke- Nah

Julie- Uh why is Alex's hand down there and doing that!

Luke- Yea let's stop them 


Alex: All I want to hear are those three little words.

Willie: I love you?

Alex: That's sweet but try again.

Willie: I will behave.

Alex: Thank you.


Willie: What is the ONE thing I always tell you.

Alex: Never kick an armadillo.

Willie: The other one thing.

Alex: Don't go to a hooker just for therapy and then pay in rolls of quarters.

Willie: The other one thing.

Alex: Gatorade bacon and Excedrin is the best hangover cure when you accidentally chug a bottle of vodka thinking it's water.

Willie: Still not that one...

Luke: PLEASE keep guessing.


Willie: You have beautiful eyes.

Alex: *panicking* T-t-thanks I need them to see.

willie- Dummy come here and kiss me 

Alex- *Voice crack* OkAy.


Willie: My future husband has to be of the highest standard.

Alex: *trips over his own feet, bumps into a lamp post, and apologizes to it*

Willie: I want that one

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