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Luke- what's for dinner Julie

Julie- you 

Reggie- do you mean like cook him

Alex- *wishpers something to Reggie* 

Reggie- Oh so you "have" Willie 


———— — - —

Willie down on one knee

Alex telling Luke-is he flirting with me 


Willie - Babe are you my friend with Benefits

Alex-Well I won't say it like that bu-

Willie-face it u are

Alex-I am 


Willie unbuttoning a shirt 

Willie-damn it's hot in here

Alex-can you please stop unbuttoning my shirt


Willie-I got kicked out of IKEA for being gay that is homophobic and-

Alex- babe no I got kicked out for trying to summon the dead to read the labels


Willie- I was thinking maybe a summer or fall wedding

Alex-babe we are not engaged 



Willie- wanna play video games 

Alex- I'd rather play with your balls 

Willie-like basketball balls 

Alex- *looks at Willie pants by the belt* 

Alex- not really 


Julie- you are the cutest boy I have seen lu-

Reggie- Aww thanks

— ——— 

Willie- let's run away and get married 

Alex- u know gay marriage is legal right?

Willie- I know I just wanna go for a run and then get married.

Alex- what the-


Person marrying them- repeat after me

Alex-after me

Luke to Willie-u sure you want him


Alex-what is your type

Willie-blonde tall gay dummer dumb cute

Alex-hey sound like me hahah what a coincidence 

Willie- did I say dumb 


Willie-just checking


Willie- ansndndjicjdm 

Alex-what's that?

Willie-I keyboard smash click any keys

Alex- 6

— — ——- ——

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