💗 WILLEX barefoot Cinderella part 2💗

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Based off of Cinderella and the song barefoot Cinderella from Hannah Montana. part 2 


Flynn-evil stepsister


Ray-Evil step father

Carrie-Alex's bff

Willie- Prince Charming


Luke-fairy godfather

Reggie-fairy godfather



I and Willie end the kiss and are looking at each other we both smile and hug he whispers " You are coming with me and you are never coming to this hell again" I giggle. I see Caleb walk in. "what is going on here?" He says. I quickly get my hands off Willie and Gulp. " I am so so-," I start.  "Hi dad he is my boyfriend," Willie says. "Boyfriend?" I said confused. "Yeah are you ok with that?" He asks. "Yea babe I can call you that right," I say in panic. "Of course babe and I know we just met but I love you so much and will you make me the happens guy in the world and marry me?" he said on one knee. I started crying. "yes," I said. He hugs me and kisses me. "We can't have a gay king!" Ray said. "what did you say Caleb asks cracking his knuckles. "Nothing," Ray said. I laugh. 

'time skip'

"Hey Care!" I say. " Guess what I-" I start. "you must be depressed William is getting married and you won't ever get to be his boyfriend and you have to go back to hell and-" She said. "Calm down I know and well I have an announcement  I-" I start. " wait are you engaged you have an expense ring on like really really an expense ring," she said. 


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" Ok yes I am engaged and 2 things 1 can you be my bridesmaid, and I'm marrying William he proposed to me," I say. "OMG Im so happy for you !!!" She says. " Hey, babe," Willie said. I turn around he kisses me on the cheek. "hey Carrie," Willie said. "Your majesty," She said and courtesy. " call me WIllie," He said and shook her hand.  " I was wondering if you could help plan our wedding?" He ask. " Of course i'd love to!!!!!," She basically yelled. Willie walked to the center of the downtown by the fountain he stepped on top. "HI EVERYONE AS YOU MAY KNOW I AM ENGAGED! THERE WILL BE A WEDDING AND MY FIANCÉ IS THE LUCKY GUY ALEX MERCER!!" 

He pulled me next to him. I waved Hey,. He kissed me and held my hand. We heard cheers then one boo. " WE CAN'T HAVE A GAY KING  GAY MARRIAGE IS NOT LEGAL !" someone said. I felt hurt. 

I saw Willie jump down and wishper something intone kings  ear. He came back and said. "GAY MARRIAGE IS NOT ILLEGAL AND IF ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM ABOUT THAT WE HAVE A SPOT WAITING FOR YOU IN PRISON!" He said. I chuckle and kiss him and we jump down. We see Carrie holding tons of papers and ideas for the wedding. "Ok I have a couple of ideas," she says. "Couple? Ok...," I said. 

X time skip getting ready-

Luke Reggie thanks so much for everything I say.

R- anytime Alex go get your name 

L-now that we helped you we can go to heaven 

A- wait y'all are leaving 

L-we will watch over you 

A- Don't go I say crying 

R- love you 

-time skip wedding-

Willie is wearing a navy blue suit and I am wearing pink suit. 

The man marrying us says do you blah blah somethings. I say I do and so does him. "You may kiss the groom. We kiss a long passionate kiss. WOO !!! we here. This was the most fun I have ever had. We cut the rainbow wedding cake.  We dance I officially move into the castle. By the end of the day we find each other laying in Willie's bed cuddling thanks for picking me I say anytime I love you babe. He kisses my and I fall asleep finally a bed that is not gonna break in 1 second.  I look at Luke and Reggie I mouthed the words "thank you I love you," Luke and Reggie smile and kiss each other slowly fade away. I shed a tear 

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