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2020 flashback of 1990

warning- sad, homophobic mention of suicide

This is very hard to write this is so fucking sad


I was the kid my family loved. I was a little angel. My dad was nice we would watch WWF ( Now 

WWE) My Mom would help me with homework. I first thought I was gay when I saw a boy in 

my class I found him attractive, and I finally found out I was gay. The only one I told i was gay

I kinda knew they would react how they did. I knew They were kinda homophobic. When 

I came out as gay they kicked me out. I didn't know they would say i was a fagot. I couldn't

tell anyone because they wouldn't know what it was like.I put on a fake smile every day and 

pretended to be happy when I was sad. I would go home which was the garage and cry and cry 

and think I would be ok. My life basically was good till I came out. I don't retreat anything I just

wish my parents loved me for who I loved. Guess not. But I have a loving boyfriend and friends I 

Wouldn't change that for anything actually I would. I'd trade it for...

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