Neji x Ten Ten: Piggy Back Ride

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Ten Ten had always thought that Neji was attractive. There was no debating that he was. Something about the way his long hair would frame his face so perfectly, and how his pupil-less eyes stare right into your soul. However, sometimes his cold aura scared her. So she pushed those feelings away. She dealt with mixed emotions for much longer then she should have, until one day Lee decided to do something for his friend.

"Hey Ten Ten."

"What's up."

"I was thinking that we should do some extra training in order to prepare for the upcoming exams. Would you be willing to come?"

"Yeah, I guess I could work on my aim some more."

Neji walked in, glaring at bushy brows. He grabbed Lee's arm and started yanking him behind some trees.

"Your aim is already perfect. Lee. Come. Here. Now."

Ten Ten looked between the two males in confusion.

"Guys what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Neji responded a little to quickly. Tenten gave up, as the death glare Lee was receiving intimated her beyond human comprehension. Rock Lee followed Neji but only after he gave a quick jab to the long haired mans hand as to let him walk freely.

"What is it you need, Neji?"

Neji just rolled his eyes and yanked Lee behind a tree.

"What do you think you're doing???," Neji asked, his voice dangerously low.

"What do you mean?"

"You know good well what I mean. It was supposed to be just you and me tonight."

"Why can't Ten Ten come?"

"Because. I know what you'll do."

Lee smirked.

"Then why are you complaining?"

The long haired boy fell silent.


He walked back out to the clearing where Ten Ten was waiting anxiously. Neji looked around and saw a tree that had mercilessly attacked, no doubt from her deadly blows.

"How badly did you beat him up?," she asked with a grim look on her face.

Neji shook his head. Ten Ten whirled around and was surprised to see Lee emerge without a bruise or scratch on him.

"Woah... I think you're getting soft Neji."

He turned around and blushed, before walking off to prepare for the nights inevitably harsh training.






Ten Ten eventually arrived to the designated spot. Gai-Sensei had also shown up, which Lee had probably been the cause of.

"Ah, Ten Ten, are you ready for training!"


"Go run 50 laps!"

She groaned, but went off to run her laps. While running, she noticed that Neji had not yet arrived.  'Where is he???'

2 hours later, after everyone else had left Neji finally showed up. It was clear to see that he had been avoiding coming at the correct time because of what Lee had planned. He walked around the clearing and began to practice his Byakugan. Using kekkai genkai, he saw Ten Ten staring at him from near a tree.

"Shouldn't you have gone home by now?"

"I was waiting for you idiot. I knew you would come and do everything by yourself. Like you always do."

"I don't need you to stay here."

"But I'm going to."


She was slightly surprised. She assumed he would've had to put up more of a fight, even rehearsing lines before he arrived to convince him to let her stay.

"Ok, then let's get started," she said slowly.

Neji soon took note of her sleepy movements.

"Ten Ten, you're tired. Go home and sleep."

"No. I need to get stronger. Plus I'm not leaving you here alone."

A few minutes later, she collapsed. Neji rushed over to her side. A knife stuck out of her leg. He ripped off his headband, also removing the knife. He wrapped the headband around the wound and looked worriedly at her face. She hurt herself pretty often, but Neji had never actually been there when it happened.

"Are you alright?"

No response.

"Ten Ten, answer me."

No response.


Tears started to stream down his face.

"WheRzucryuin," she mumbled after a bit.


She cleared her throat.

"Why. Are. You. Crying?"

He didn't answer, he just wrapped her into a hug.


"Don't ever do that again."


His hair smelled really nice... Ten Ten looked up at his puffy eyes and smiled.

"You're still holding me Neji," she giggled.

"O-oh, s-sor-ry."

He didn't let go though. Ten Ten peered at him, then gave him a peck on the lips. Neji turned bright red.

"Now take me home. I'm tired."

"And my leg hurts," she pouted.

"Get on my back."

She scrambled over his body until she reached his back. With a huff Neji picked her up and began the long trek to her house. During the trip, he heard light snores, and a smile crept across his face. Her peaceful smile made his heart race.

She was beautiful.

~The End~

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