Neji x TenTen and sorta Sakura x Sasuke? Idrk : What's a kiss?

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A/N: Okokokok so this isn't based on any fanart, it was a rp I did with my friends soo yeah. That's about it. The story isn't entirely mine because other people contributed to the plot. It's much longer than what I usually do, and sorry if there are any errors in the grammar. Anywho, enjoy the chapter! - Iki

Sakura was wandering around the training field, keeping an eye out for Naruto. Her day was going perfectly fine, until Naruto burst out of nowhere asking her to come training for the 18th time this week. As her eyes were wandering around the training field, they spotted her brunette friend, TenTen, Smiling softly, Sakura had walked up to her and waved.

"Hi there TenTen, what brings you here?"

"Lee dragged me out here for training..."

"Oh, thats a bummer." The pink haired girl smiled, before speaking "That sucks. I was trying to get away from Naruto." she laughed lightly.

Ten Ten giggled. "Sounds like something you would do. But it's fine, I suppose I could always work harder."

Sasuke walks up to the training field, spotting the girls, but saying nothing.

"That's true.. I'm not sure how you manage with Lee on your squad!" Sakura grinned, patting TenTens shoulder. "I do agree, though. Training is important. it's just that.. It's the 18th time this week!"

"Yeah," she said with a sigh. "I'm convinced Lee is insane at this point... It makes him happy so I guess it's alright. She shrugged and rolled her eyes...

"..." Sasuke walks onto the field, away from the girls. He then started to train.

Sakura had slightly looked behind her, spotting Sasuke. Although she could've gone and said hi, she didn't want to be a burden. Turning back to TenTen, she had changed the topic. "So, How are you and Neji, huh?~"

She blushed bright red, the flush going all the way to her ears. "W-wha-at are you talk-king about? There's nothing going on between me and Neji." She was lying... and very obviously at that.

While training, Sasuke had felt just a tad bit bad that he hadn't have said Hello to Sakura, or at least waved. Nonetheless, he kept training.

Although she felt a small pang in her heart, she had shrugged it off. She admitted she was a bit hurt Sasuke didn't say hi, she just shrugged it off and focused on TenTen. Hearing her friends words, she grinned brightly. "TenTen, you might wanna work on your Lying!"

She blushed even harder. "I'm not lying! Anyways, why do you keep on looking over at Sasuke? Just go over and say hi," she said trying to change the topic.

Feeling a blush rise to her cheeks, she raised her hands in front of her face. "I'm not looking! what are you talking about?" feeling rather embarrassed Sakura had looked to the ground to hide her flushed face.

She grinned and pointed at Sasuke. "Go now, or I will use you for target practice. I know all about your little crush. Go say hi to your boyfriend idiot." Tenten grinned as she pushed Sakura towards him.

"??" Sasuke looked over at the two, wondering why the fuck Sakura was getting pushed his way. he sighed, knowing he would have to, oh no, socialize.

Feeling her face go as pink as her hair, Sakura put her hands over her face. "I-I'm not looking! I told you!" as she playfully swatted her brown haired friends hands away.

"I swear to god... I'm not blind Sakura. I'm friends with NEJI, I've learned to observe things. Stop staring at your boyfriend and go say hi." Tenten's face was stone cold. She grabbed Sakura and forcibly picked her up and brought her to Sasuke.

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