Rock Lee x Gaara: I'm kinda cold....

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'Ugh, when are we gonna get there...'

Gaara was traveling to the leaf village, and he was very excited to see his boyfriend Rock Lee. The landscape slowly changed from sand dunes, to leafy trees that lined the roads. It was also considerably colder, but Gaara didn't mind it all that much.

Soon, the gates of the village were visible, and the kazekage and his escort arrived at the one and only Village Hidden in the Leaves. A small smile grew across the red head's face, as a tall man with a bowl cut came running towards him, with his arms outstretched. Lee enveloped the smaller boy in a massive hug.

"I missed you too Lee," Gaara whispered softly, into his ear.

Rock Lee smiled, and yanked Gaara in the direction of his house.

"We are going to make your stay here very enjoyable, my love!" He proclaimed loudly, which left Gaara a blushing mess.

"Can you quiet down any?"


Gaara side, but followed the large man inside a traditional Japanese style house. However, about two thirds of the rooms contained various amounts of workout equipment that Lee often used.

"I am going to make some onigiri for the both of us! If you would like, you can just wait for me in the dining room!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure..."

Lee went into the kitchen and started humming to himself, while wrapping a large haori around his body. Gaara watched in contentment as his boyfriend waltzed around the kitchen, forming rice balls with his massive hands.

Eventually, the kazekage began to freeze, as the cold winter air filtered in through his thin clothing. Lee noticed this, and grabbed Gaara, sticking him inside the warmth of the haori.

Gaara turned bright red, but didn't say anything because it felt so nice to finally be warm again.

"You're so dumb Lee..."

~The End~

A/N: Short little story for my favorite fruity couple. I just can't... The fanart, and them together is just too cute... 

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