Neji x TenTen (slightly angsty): You liar

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Neji Hyuga was the love of TenTen's life. They had known each other from their early childhood years, and only became closer once they joined the same squad. Eventually, Neji got the courage to kiss her, and soon after they started dating. The kiss was short and sweet, but TenTen would never forget the wondrous day that they got together.

Neji had pulled her aside after training one day, with a small blush on his face. TenTen had followed him curiously, not knowing what was going on.

"What's up?," she asked after they met up under a beautiful tree as the sun was setting.

He completely zoned out, his eyes unfocused.

She snapped her fingers in front of his face, "Hey, are you alright?"

His eyes refocused, and he started stuttering, before finally giving up and he simply grabbed her face and tilted it up towards his, then meshed their mouths together. His slightly chapped lips on her soft ones. TenTen stood stock still, with her face bright red. Neji finally broke away.

"TenTen I'm so sorr-"

She cut him off, by leaning up and kissing him again very forcefully. She grinned through the kiss as this time she was the one who surprised him. They started dating, and became inseparable, TenTen even winning the approval of the esteemed Hyuga family.

All the late night snuggles, and small little things he would do for her...

She loved him. So much.

"Don't ever leave me," she had said.


The small words comforted her for a while. Neji eventually got the courage to propose, asking the simple words under the tree where they had first kissed.

"TenTen, will you marry me?," he asked nervously on one knee.

"Of course you idiot," she cried out through tears, a smile plastered on her face. He slipped a simple ring on to her finger before capturing her in a beautiful kiss. It was the most electrifying kiss the two had shared together. She thought they were going to live happily ever after as a happy family.

Until she saw his body lying on the ground. Completely lifeless, void of emotion, and light that used to shine in those beautiful eyes of his, gone. TenTen was too shocked to say anything. He was gone. Her only support in everything. Naruto was safe, but Neji was gone. She didn't even care that Naruto and Hinata had been saved.

"You liar..." she stuttered through sobs. She kept trying to brush the tears away, but the wet liquid kept falling from her soaked eyes. TenTen hid herself from everyone, not exiting her apartment for months. She ate almost nothing, her skin an unhealthy color of yellow, while her body was frail and weak. The classic buns she used to wear all the time, were nowhere to be found as her long brown hair swirled around her hair in a disheveled mess. Screams constantly filled her head, till she sat on the ground practically ripping her hair out in distress. Sleep evaded her, the nightmares that haunted her, Neji's voice tearing her heart in two. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw him in replacement, gray and lifeless. The once beautiful eyes are completely dry of anything. TenTen's world was filled with darkness, even her closest friends couldn't help her escape from it.

One day, she looked in the mirror and saw her sickly reflection.

"What would you think of me now, love?," she muttered under her breath.

"You still look stunning..." a soft voice interrupted her thoughts.

A small smile settled across her face, as she sat down with a meat bun. Eating decent food tasted amazing.

"I miss you so much..."

"I know, I miss you too. I'm sorry I had to leave you."

"Please come back to me," she croaked out through her new found spring of tears.

"I'm so sorry teddy bear, I can't. I will always love you. I miss you more than you can ever know. Please don't ruin your life because of me."

"I love you Neji."

"I only wish I could be there to say the same."

TenTen fell to the floor, fingering the ring he gave her all those months ago. She had put it on a chain, so she would never forget the long haired man that gave her life. He had given her a purpose, love, and a wonderful family. Now it is gone. Darkness clouded her vision, and she was finally at peace.

"I'll see you again, in one world or another. This I know to be true."

Her heart beat slowed, and then came to a stop, but a smile was plastered on her face in those final moments.

~The End~

A/N: I am so sorry. I actually cried writing this. I was depressed, and I really needed to write something to relieve me. On a happier note, thanks for 100 views... - Iki

What I imagine their song would be:

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