Shikamaru x Temari: Just Let me Help You-

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A/N: *cries* Jeez people, I'm like actually running out of ideas. I need helppppp. Pleaseeee comment some requests or something. I could do xreader stories, but I suck at them so bad. So as of now I'm stuck with doing like the same people over and overrrr. *cries in 5th form* Anyways, I would seriously like some help. please and thank you. - Iki

A lazy turd was walking down a hallway at school. Just chilling with his friend Choji. A normal day, just as he preferred it. Falling asleep the first period, and then Choji would drag him to his other classes. He often chose to stare at the clouds. Very unproblematic clouds were, unlike most people. All they had to do was float around, maybe look pretty sometimes, and perhaps produce some rain one in a while. Very unproblematic. Peaceful even. Oh how he wished that he could be a cloud.

He might be able to, except for a certain blondie who had a fondness of bothering him. Shikamaru would never admit it, but he actually didn't mind when Temari poked and prodded him during classes. It was kinda cute, but as previously stated, he wouldn't tell a soul. Not even Choji knew. He was staring at the blonde girl, during class until he was brought back into reality with a nice smack to the side of his head.

"Goddamit Choji," he grumbled, as he buried his head into his arms.

Choji simply laughed and dragged the poor boy to his locker. Rubbing his arm, Shikamaru mumbled curses under his breath, but grabbed his textbooks nonetheless. He slowly walked towards the next class. All of a sudden, he heard a loud thud and saw Temari sprawled across the ground, apparently having run into a wall. Shika sauntered over towards her and reached out a hand to help her up. Temari looked up at him in surprise, with tears running down her face. She grabbed his cold hand and tried to pull herself up, but her legs gave out.

"You can't walk can you-"

"No shit dummy. Get my against a wall or something and I'll make my way to the nurses office," she grumbled and tried to pull herself up again. Her legs shook, but still wouldn't support her.

"Troublesome woman," Shikamaru mumbled while he picked her up bridal style and began walking to the infirmary.

"Put. Me. Down." Temari said in shock, a light blush covering her face.

"Just let me help you woman. Your leg is hurt, and you obviously won't be able to walk for a while."

She didn't say anything, but just wrapped her arms around his neck, and slightly nuzzled his chest. Shikamaru inwardly screamed, however his outward appearance barely changed. He eventually got her to the nurse, and reluctantly set her down.

"You better have not hurt yourself too bad," Shikamaru yelled as he ran to his class.

"I didn't plan on it Nara-"

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

Temari grinned slightly at his antics. 'Love you too-'

~The End~

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