Sasuke x Sakura: Going Already?

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Sakura snuggled into the side of the man lying beside her in their warm bed. Sasuke was finally home after a really long mission and Sakura was just happy he was back. They had spent the whole night watching movies and cuddling, staying up till about 3 am.

She felt herself get pushed away from him slightly, as the Uchiha got up out of the bed to get dressed.

"Where are you going?," Sakura asked groggily while pushing herself up slightly.

"Gotta report the Hokage..."

Sasuke sighed and put on his shinobi headband.

"This early?"


The pink haired girl groaned and tried to pull him back into the bed.

"I'm tired, can't the hokage wait?"

Sasuke looked down at his beautiful girlfriend and shook his head, but tucked her back into the warm sheets of the bed.

"I'm sorry babe, but I seriously have to go."

"But you just came back?"

"Yeah I know. I'll come home soon though, it'll only be for a few hours."

"Keyword, hours..."

Sakura finally complied, and got out of the bed to skip on one of Sasuke's t-shirts. Sasuke smiled at her, she looked adorable and he would fight anyone who said otherwise.

"You look cute."

"Well thank you, you don't look half bad yourself."

The dark haired man bowed slightly before turning to leave for the tower. Sakura rushed behind him and enveloped his back in a hug, slightly kissing the back of his neck in the process.

"Come home soon. It's been too lonely without you."

"Of course pinky."

Sakura blushed slightly at the nickname, bonking him slightly on the head.

"Just hurry up lover boy, you're just making me have less time with you later."


He turned around and captured her in a beautiful kiss, and simultaneously gave her a slight hug. Sakura rubbed a small circle on his back, with a grin on her face.

"Seriously Sasuke, the hokage's gonna be mad. Hurry up, I'll talk with you later," Sakura said while pushing the Uchiha towards the door.

"Okay okay woman. I can walk myself out."

Sakura just smiled and gave him one last kiss on the forehead.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Sasuke still stood there, and an exasperated Sakura shoved him out of the door, shutting it on his face.


Sakura just giggled and went to go make breakfast for herself.

~The End~

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