TenTen x Sakura: A Friendship like no Other

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A/N: Another rp. It's a very random ship, even though it's not really a ship. I'm not sure at this point. Again credit is not entirely mine, but enjoy! P.S: This one definitely is getting a Part 2 - Iki

Walking beside TenTen, Sakura's eyes had scanned the area. "It should be somewhere around here. I remember coming here with Yamato, Sai, and Naruto. There should be some info left behind we can use to track down the next hideout."

Tenten looked around and walked around slowly, "Are we sure this is safe," she asked with a worried look.

Sakura looked at TenTen, a soft smile on her face. Placing a gentle hand on TenTens shoulder, she had said, "We are shinobi right? We can do this."Ninja don't get spooked." Although she spoke in a determined tone, there was slight worry in Sakura's green eyes.

"I'm not sure tho... We all saw what happened to Sasuke." She then started shaking horribly and fell to the ground shivering.

Sakura felt a small pang in her chest, but didn't let her pain show. Crouching down to TenTens level, she had wrapped her arms around her friend and rubbed her back. "We aren't like Sasuke. We are different, right?" At this point, Sakura's voice shook a little.

She wrapped her arm around herself. "I seriously hope so. I don't know how long I can keep trying to stay strong."

Helping TenTen back to her feet, She smiled. "It's okay to be weak sometimes. No one can stay strong forever." With a sigh, she went back to the task at hand. Grabbing the brown haired girls hand, she walked near the edge of the broken bridge. "If we want to get across, we might have to jump." Pursing her cherry lips, Sakura looked at TenTen. "What do you think we have to do?"

TenTen tucked a loose piece of hair back into her bun. "We should make sure the current is too strong. If it's not too strong, we can probably swim across..." She shivered at the thought, but began to take off her shoes to test the water.

Worrily looking at her friend, she had asked softly," is the temperature okay?"

TenTen dipped her toes in and nodded her head. "It's a little strong, but I think we can make it." She hopped into the water, and began swimming across to make it to the other side.

Following her friend, Sakura had swam to the other side, Hopping out of the water, she attempted to dry her clothes. Afterward, she had scanned the destroyed area.

She looked around with wide eyes. "Woah..." The area was completely destroyed. TenTen completely forgot about trying to fix her hair, and stared at the devastation.

"I totally forgot about the destruction...Anyway TenTen, ready to look for clues?" A slight smile on Sakura's face, though it was visibly forced. The memories of the battle between Naruto and Orochimaru filling into her head, and the thought of the battle between Sasuke and Naruto entered her head once again.

TenTen noticed her friend's face. She gave her a tight hug and whispered, "Please try to forget about that. If you need anything I'm here for you." She released her, and looked around. "But yes, we do need to search for clues. Let's go."

"Yeah. Now's not the time for nostalgia." Shaking her head, She looked at tenten, a serious look on her face. "I'll check the right. you check the left. If you find anything, come tell me. If you encounter any danger, just yell."

TenTen gave her a small smile and saluted. "Yes ma'am!" Before walking off to her designated area with a sad look on her face.

Walking off to the right, the girl had looked for anything looking suspicious. catching something from the corner of her eye, she had walked over to it. wiping away the dirt, she let out a small gasp. The skeleton of a snake. "TENTEN! OVER HERE!"

TenTen rushed over, slightly out of breath. Peering down, she asked, "What is that???"

"If I recall, there were a bunch of snakes or something like that. This one must've died, its body never recovered." In a quick realization, an idea popped into her head. "There might be more skeletons around here! the amount of snakes that were here, there's no way Orochimaru could've recovered them all!"

She looked up with a smile, "Of course!!! I think I can clear away all the debris if you move you off the way." TenTen prepared her arsenal of weapons.

Stepping to the side, Sakura had watched in awe as TenTen got her weapons out. "How in the world does she find those..?" she mumbled in surprise.

TenTen smirked. "I have my ways." She began to clear away all the debris covering the ground, revealing many snakes lying dead. "Damn... There's a lot more than I thought there would."

"Well, it is Orochimaru." the girl had said with a shudder. Walking to her mission partner, she had asked, "How are we gonna get all these back to the leaf?"

She looked around. "I could chop them all up? Ohhh wait! I have an idea. I can try to make a small bridge sorta thing to make it easier to retrieve them!," Tenten said with a bright smile.

Watching in both shock and admiration at her friend, she let out a hearty laugh. "How many weapons do you have? Either way, how about we request for some help? There's no way we could carry these all back."

"First off, you don't wanna now. Two, sure, but i still need to find an easier way to get across," TenTen said as she observed the area. "I'll find something, don't worry about it. Do get someone to come though."

Sakura stood there, thinking for a while. "What if we asked Choji? He's pretty strong, right?"

TenTen glanced up from her search. "Yeah sure. I don't really care all that much...," she said quietly while walking around once again. She left Sakura by herself at the clearing, before starting to think everything over.

Looking around her surroundings, Sakura let out a sigh. walking toward a far end, she kneeled down, scanning a rather large human skull. "Talking about skeletons, what's up with this?"

TenTen ran over again and once more slightly out of breath. "A skull," she answered coldly. Something was definitely off.

Knocking at the skull with her fist, Sakura had quickly pulled away, as her knuckle became bruised and red. Pursing her lips, she hissed in slight pain. "It's definitely not your average human skull."

TenTen turned around and saw her friend's hand. Glancing down worriedly, she grabbed Sakura's fist. "Are you ok? That doesn't look so good?"

"I'm fine, I'll heal it later." Raising her other hand above her fist, she began to heal it. "Maybe its time we report this back to Lady Tsunade. Oh, do you mind grabbing a small skeleton?"

She was still really worried about Sakura, but she complied with the request, and grabbed a skeleton. "Are you gonna be able to swim with your hand like that?"

Sakura laughed lightly, looking at her friend with a sly smirk. "You think a little cut like this can hurt me? Don't worry! I'm sure ill be fine." The pink haired girl grinned.

TenTen stared Sakura down. "If you do something stupid, I will personally murder you." Her tone softened. "But please be careful."

"Yes! I will!" She said, stepping into the water and swimming across.

She followed Sakura into the water, and they both made it across safely, but TenTen noticed Sakura was shivering and clutching her hand. She didn't say anything, but her worry increased.

~Not the end, imagine the end on your own time~

A/N: Sooo this was supposed to have a part 2, but my friends and I stopped roleplaying so just leave the rest up to your imagination.

Naruto One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora