Rock Lee x Sakura: The Courtyard

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Sakura walked into a flower shop. She looked over the rows, and rows of flowers, till her eyes finally rested on a beautiful daffodil. She smiled slightly, before she carefully grabbed the pale flower. Sakura turned around when she heard very distinctive footsteps creeping up behind her.

"You know, they still haven't found Sasuke yet," Ino called out to her in a condescending tone.

Sakura looked up to see the blonde standing over her with a sneer on her face. She just sighed and stood up, brushing her dress off.

"It isn't for Sasuke, it's for Lee..."

Ino's smirk immediately dropped, and she grabbed the flower Sakura had selected. She brought it behind the counter, and wrapped the small flower in paper, before handing it back to Sakura.

"Tell him I said hi," Ino said softly.

"Sure, anytime Ino-pig," Sakura answered with a grin.

Ino didn't say anything, and helped her out of the store. In all honesty, Sakura was worried sick about the both of them. Sasuke had gone missing and she had a sinking feeling it had something to do with that nasty bruise on his neck. Then there was Lee. Gaara had really done a number on the poor kid. She shook her head sadly, as she entered the hospital. The pristine whiteness and the overwhelming smell of rubbing alcohol was rather unnerving. Sakura confidently walked up to the front desk, where a short woman with dark hair was sitting.

"Is there any news on Sasuke?," Sakura asked quietly.

The woman was very used to this question coming from the pink haired girl.

"I'm sorry honey, but not yet. However, Lee is taking a walk outside if you would like to see him," she smiled apologetically. A worried expression once again took over Sakura's face, but she replaced it with a false smile, and walked off to find Lee.

She started in the direction, which she had been directed to. Sakura pushed open a massive green door, revealing a beautiful courtyard. It was filled with wildlife, and a multitude of every kind of flower imaginable. Sakura gasped at its beauty. A gurgling creek cut across the green landscape, with a small stone path running right beside it. She slowly turned in a circle, completely in awe.

Eventually, after following the path for a while, she found a stone bench, holding the one and only Rock Lee. His body was still very heavily damaged, but it appeared to be in much better condition. Lee hadn't even noticed Sakura had arrived, he was very invested in the book he was reading.

"I brought you a flower, but it appears you already have plenty to choose from," Sakura giggled nervously.

Lee slapped his book shut in surprise. His pink haired companion lowered herself down, and sat beside the bushy-browed boy.

"No no, it is fine! I will definitely keep this one and put it in the designated room!," Lee assured her.

"Thanks Lee..."

He quieted when he saw the depressed look on her face. A comfortable silence fell across the pair.

"You know, you do not have to shoulder all the pain by yourself," he whispered.

With those words, Sakura just broke down, all the hidden emotions flowing out of her. She grabbed onto Lee, and tears stained the weird green spandex he always insisted on wearing. He honestly didn't care. All that mattered was the poor girl sobbing in his arms.

At last, the tears stopped flowing, but Sakura still sniffled a little bit. A small squirrel scampered across Sakura's lap, and came to a stop when it reached Lee. A small smile grew across her face, the squirrel nibbling on Lee's spandex.

Seeing as there was no longer anything to worry about, Lee grabbed his book, and attempted to return to his peaceful reading, except Sakura stole his book...

"Hey, please give that back?," Lee gave her a troubled look. She pushed him away, and began to read his book about Sakura blossoms. Getting a few chapters in, Lee looked away with a massive blush. He tried staring straight forward, so that she wouldn't see the redness on his face.

However, it never came. Lee felt a weight go against his shoulder, so he turned his head ever so slightly, to see a sleeping Sakura leaning against him. His entire body turned a horrible shade of red. He looked like a literal Christmas tree. The squirrel being his only distraction from his crush sleeping practically in his arms.

'Woah, I'm the luckiest man alive.'

~The End~

A/N: Andddddd the end. That's it. I was literally running out of ideas and then someone saved me lmao. The fan art saved my ass- Anyways tysmm for reading - Iki

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