Reader x Gaara Part 2 (don't read if you want a good ending bcs im lazy)

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As the two robots laid on either side of you, you groaned at the thought of having to spend at least a week in the presence of the bitch Gaara. 'I mean he is kinda hot... But seriously tho, it's just gonna turn out like shit.'

Shaking your head, you finally fell into a very restless sleep.

~The next morning~

Y/N woke up, and stretched her arms in an attempt to free herself from the androids hovering beside her. She shook them gently and tried to wake them up. Naruko was the first to wake up, and wacked Y/N on the side of the head. She winced and pouted.

"What the fuck was that for?"

"You woke me up, you stupid poopy head," Naruko said with the straightest face possible.

Y/N burst out laughing, which woke Hinata up and she also grumbled.

"Y-you reali-ize you-u sound-d like-e a sec-cond grader-r?!?" Y/N stuttered out while clutching her stomach. Naruko cocked her head as if not understanding what she meant.


The rest of the day progressed, and Y/N took the pair out shopping, where they spent a decent amount of time (and money) getting some belongings for the both of them. Most days ended up going about like that, and the androids even met Choji, who had a lot of fun making them coffee.

The dreaded day had finally come, and Y/N had to come to terms with the fact that she had to be around him. So, when she arrived at the place where the photoshoot was happening, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

Prep for the photoshoot went pretty well, and Y/N still hadn't seen the redhead, not that she minded. For the first few outfits, she didn't even know where he was, but when the last few came around, Gaara finally surfaced.

~The finally fucking end~

A/N: Fuck it. I hate this story. So, just pretend Y/N and Gaara fought and bickered but then low key got along and kissed. I don't know shit about modeling so idfk why I decided to sum revolving around it. So here's your happy lil part two. No hate pls. I might get around to finishing it later, but I felt the need to update, and I also felt the need to finish this, so this is all you get. Sorry for the late update, I fucking hate school, I promise I will update with something better. - Iki

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