Neji x Tenten: Roles Reversed

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A/N: Requested by @Kania_Wolfe I got you babe. I'm gonna do the shikatema one like two chapters from now? Something like that, I have to get an xreader one in before I do another ship. But thanks for the ideas! It really does help to have other people request or make ideas, it makes your writing more creative. Also like mentions of angsty and mass murder. Just some trigger warnings. Thanks for reading! - Iki

~Neji POV~

I reached down and grabbed Tenten's small hand, it fit perfectly inside of mine. She looks away with a small blush on her face. I guess she isn't used to PDA yet.

"Stop looking away, I want to see your pretty face," I chuckle.

She just blushes even harder, then knocks me on the side of my head.

"Shut up idiot."

I just laugh at her as we walk together towards the lake. It was only our second date, but was I allowed to say that I was already in love? If so, then I definitely am. The basket I was carrying got ripped out of my hands, as my girlfriend ran to the edge of the dock ushering me to come along.

"Come on Rapunzel!"

"Okay Tenny," I started sprinting down the ramp to meet her, where we then rolled out a blanket and some onigiri. Tenten peeled open the lid to the food and munched on the rice ball the second her hands reached one.

"I still don't understand why you love this stuff so much. Like it tastes fine, but it's nothing special," I wondered out loud. She gives me a death glare while swallowing her bite.

"First rule of dating a girl, don't insult her taste in food. Second, I'm not a rich fucker like you."

I shrugged but ate it anyway, looking away from her mad face.

"Be glad I love you, otherwise you woulda been cut into shreds," she mumbled.

A smirk spread across my face, as I turned around to face her again.

"Say that again?"

"I said, begladiloveyouotherwiseyou'redead."

"Can't hear you," I was just dying at this point, from her red pouting face. It was hilarious.

"I SAID BE GLAD I LOVE YOU STUPID HYUGA!" I looked away for a moment trying to catch my breath, when I felt myself being pushed into the cold water of the lake. The cold water covered my head, as I fell deep into the water. Luckily, I know how to swim, so I quickly swam to the surface. I splashed water on her for pay back, and Tenten shrieked as the cold water hit her skin.

Soon enough, I dragged her into the water too, with her kicking and screaming all the way. However, we had a lot of fun after I finally got her to stop complaining.

Something about the way her long, wet hair framed her face that was glowing from the now setting sun. All common sense went out the window, as I grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her face. She didn't even seem surprised, as she immediately kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I grabbed Tenten in my arms and started carrying her back to the shore, not once breaking the kiss. Surprisingly, I wasn't the dominant in the kiss. She easily got into my mouth, and was now exploring it.

I was way out of breath, and broke away looking at her grinning face.

"That was amazing."







Five years have passed since that day, a floating memory in my mind that resurfaces every time we go to visit the lake on our anniversary. (A/N: I mean from the day they started dating, they aren't married yet dw, I would've written about that.) Andd every single time we visit, she insists on eating onigiri, and usually ends up throwing me in the lake.

I don't really mind at this point, I'm just happy that I have her. Yeah I've had to jump through so many hurdles to be with her, but it's definitely worth it. Her being friends with Hinata really helped my cause in letting me stay with her too. Stupid Hiashi took three whole years to warm up to her, but at least he treats her like family now.




I whirl around seeing a certain brown haired girl looking annoyed. I scratched the back of my head apologetically.


"Pay attention Rapunzel."

"Okay babe."

She blushed a little bit, and looked away.

"I told you to stop looking away, you're too pretty."

"Shut up Rapunze-"

Tenten's voice was cut short, and blood started pouring out of her mouth.

~No POV~

Neji grabbed hold of her body, looking behind and noticed a kunai knife stuck out of her back. He took Tenten in his lap, looking around for the person that committed such a horrible act. He caught a glance, and his heart dropped to his stomach. Lavender eyes. Tears found their way out of his pale eyes as he realized what happened.

Tenten gave him a final grin.

"I didn't last as long as I wanted to, but I'm glad I spent my time with you. I couldn't have asked for more. I love you."

"No, no you can't die yet," Neji cried, holding her body close to his, rocking back and forth.


She was gone. Tenten had died. And Neji knew why. He knew how. And he knew who had done it.

The Hyugas. And after he did to appease the elders, they dared to betray him like this? Did they not realize that he was the most powerful Hyuga to be born in centuries?

Neji stormed off towards the Hyuga compound, leaving Tenten's body on the dock in rage.

The main house soon came into view, and he kicked the door down, looking for the council of elders. Neji found them in the middle of a meal, peacefully eating.


"Neji, it had to be done. We knew you weren't going to let her go, but marrying her would've messed up the Hyuga name. We did what we thought was best," the head elder answered calmly.


"Neji calm down." His voice was now dangerously low. The whole room was glaring at the raging man.

"No. You'll all die soon anyway, I might as well speed it up," Neji answered, with a horrible calmness. Bodyguards started rushing towards him, the moment all the elder's eyes widened.

"Be careful what you say boy-" they threatened.

"Those are your last words," he chuckled, "Pitiful."

Kunai were thrown all over the place, blood spilling from everybody in the room.

Except for Neji.

There wasn't one scratch on him. He walked out of the building calmly, knowing full well that he was now an outlaw. At this point, he didn't even mind. The leaf village would just bring up too many painful memories, but he wasn't quite ready to die.

So, Neji started walking off in the direction of the forest hoping that when he was ready, he would be reunited with his love once more, even if only for a moment.

~The End~

A/N: I am fucking dead. yayyyy

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