Neji x TenTen Modern AU

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A/N: Guess what my favorite ship is? It's definitely not obvious... Anyways I've never written a modern AU so please cut me some slack if it sucks. Also kinda long... Please enjoy the update! - Iki

TenTen Pov

Since I started attending Konoha High 3 months ago, my life has changed drastically. I made a best friend, Sakura and I may or may not have started dating the one and only Neji Hyuga. It all started when I tried out for the soccer team...

3 Months Earlier

I had just recently started school, and gotten situated into the dorms. I ran into my dorm, the day after I had arrived and saw my pink haired roommate staring at me as I rushed through the door.

"What's the rush," Sakura asked while lazily sitting on her bed, scrolling through her phone.

"There's soccer tryouts! I completely forgot about it.... So, I need to grab my cleats and hurry out. I heard the captain is really strict," I replied, slightly out of breath, throwing things out from under my bed in an attempt to find my hidden cleats.

"Oh yeah, Neji is really uptight. Don't upset him or anything, you might lose your chance to even be a bencher."

I stared at her for a moment, after I found my missing shoes, slightly curious.


"Yeah, Sasuke is roommates with him. Sometimes I go over to hang out, and Neji acts like a total bitch. He's so stiff, and I guess unnerving. His eyes don't have pupils and it seems like he's staring into your soul."

I shivered, but remembered I was about to be late. So I rushed out of my dorm and ran straight to the soccer field, knocking over a long haired boy, who was carrying a bunch of papers and a soccer ball.

Neji POV

"Oh shit, I forgot about tryouts today...." I whispered under my breath.

"Sorry Sasuke, but go have fun with Sakura, I forgot I have to whip a bunch of losers into shape."

"Oh okay, no offense dumbass, but I don't think she'll miss you ," Sasuke shot back at me with a smirk.

"Shut up, duck butt."

Sasuke just grinned and shoved me towards the soccer field. I slowly made my way along, sighing about watching a bunch of nobodies fail at the game of soccer. Then, all of a sudden, I heard a whoosh brush by my ear, before I felt a small body completely run me over. My mind went blank for a moment, when I felt my head hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh my god, are you okay???," a soft voice asked.

I opened my eyes to see a beautiful brown haired girl standing over me with her face very close to mine. A light blush covered my face when I realized how close together we were. She however, was a bright red, when she saw my eyes.

"Oh shit. You're Neji aren't you..."

"Yes..." I replied with a smirk.

"I'm dead. Absolutely fucking dead," she groaned completely forgetting about me.

"And, why would that be?," I asked curiously.

"Sakura is my roommate, and she told me not to piss you off. So now I've messed up big time, but at least let me help you get all these papers."

Neji laughed, "How horrible did she make me sound?"

"Pretty horrible."

I saw her face fall, and I felt bad, so I grabbed her shoulder and turned her towards me.

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