Sasuke x Sakura: Holding Hands

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When Kakashi had insisted on taking the team out for dinner, Sakura had fully expected to regret even agreeing to come. The walk there was extremely awkward, because the team usually didn't hang out all that much outside of missions and training. The cold wind nipped at her dress, as they walked into the door of the famous ramen restaurant. Delicious smells wafted from the kitchen as they made their way towards a booth. The bustling atmosphere, and loud noises slowly began to drain her mental stamina. The squad eventually reached a tan booth and Naruto plopped down on the seat with a huff, while the rest followed suit.

"IS THIS RAMEN PLACE ANY GOOD?," Naruto shouted with a grumpy look painted across his tan face. Sakura grimaced at the sound, and placed her hand down from the table in an attempt to calm herself down. Sasuke looked over and noticed this behavior, becoming slightly worried for his friend. However, he decided to not do anything, unless it got worse.

Soon enough, a waiter came over and took their orders. Sakura just asked for water, which was pretty uncharacteristic... Kakashi and Sasuke both noticed this, but Naruto was just a thick headed idiot who didn't pay attention to anything. He just continued to be loud and obnoxious, especially when the food was taking a while, once the restaurant became packed, and full of people. This only added to Sakura's growing anxiety. She had just spent too much time around people and was done. Just done.

Little did she realize that her hand was still clenched, resting on the soft fabric of the booth, lying rather close to a certain Uchiha's hand. Sasuke obviously had done it on purpose, and was just waiting for Sakura to realize.

Soon enough, she did.

Sakura immediately turned 50 shades darker then the light pink of her hair. Her breath hitched, the adding anxiety simply making her shake even worse. Sasuke just looked forward, with the straightest face possible, before slowly taking her warm hand into his cool one. She looked away embarrassed, but Sasuke just continued to act like nothing was happening. He kept on holding her hand, slowly calming her down, until the food finally came.

When she realized that the food meant she would release Sasuke, Sakura grimaced and began to let go of his hand. He gave her a light squeeze and nodded. Kakashi grinned at the two of them. 'Thank god Sasuke is finally making a move-'

The minute the pair were separated, Sakura was brought back to reality. The noises once again filled her head, but she pushed through, and began eating despite everything.

"ANOTHER BOWL PLEASE!," the blonde knucklehead shouted, banging his hands on the table. Sakura's bowl flew up, and spilled all over her clothes and hair. The scalding liquid burned her skin. Sasuke stood up in alarm.

"Naruto. You. Are. A. FUCKING IDIOT!!!! YOU JUST HURT HER! ARE YOU DUMB?," he screeched while grabbing Sakura's hand. She looked up at him in surprise. Sasuke almost never raised his voice, let alone said more than 5 words.

Naruto stood frozen, Sasuke's words sinking in deep. When he looked at the blotches on Sakura's skin, the guilt immediately sunk in... Maybe he was really a fucking idiot...

Sasuke grabbed Sakura and took her outside, and Kakashi didn't even bother to stop him. He just sighed and rubbed the side of his head. Being a teacher was exhausting-



"Sorry about yelling at Naruto, but are you okay?," Sasuke asked, his voice laced with concern while he took Sakura's delicate hand in his own. She blushed once again.

"I've had better times. I'm alright though, seriously don't worry about me," she grinned. She pushed her short pink hair behind her ear and looked into Sasuke's beautiful onyx eyes. He stared down into her green ones, before lifting her chin slightly and slowly meshing their lips together. Sakura kissed back, and they sat there making out for almost two full minutes. At last, Sasuke pulled away, and they were both panting.

"Okay, take that back. This is the best I've ever been!"

~The End~

A/N: Eeeeeeee! Definitely did not write while having the worst stomach cramps ever-

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! I do take requests, and if you have one, you don't need fanart to go with it, I just need characters and a basic story line. That's about it! Comment or message me if you have one. Byeee - Iki

Naruto One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora