Sasuke x Naruto: Dobe...

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A/N: Just fyi I'm not a huge fan of this ship because it's just weird. The fanfiction I've read for it is really good tho, so authors keep up the good work! I was just kinda bored of all the cannon ships, so here you go - Iki

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura had finally passed Kakashi-Sensei's extremely harsh exam. And god, Naruto was still hungry as fuck. Sasuke and Sakura couldn't say no, so they all traveled to the famous Ichiraku to get some ramen. Naruto had the biggest smile on his face, and Sasuke couldn't help but smile a little bit at the adorable blondie.

"One XXL bowl of miso ramen please!" Naruto shouted to the owner of Ichiraku, Teuchi.

Sakura shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"This is so lame, I have to get back to my house before my mom yells at me."

She started to walk off, but then motioned at Sasuke.

"You should leave this loser behind, and go home."

Sasuke also shook his head, so Sakura went home by herself, huffing that Sasuke didn't take her advice.

Naruto looked over at the Uchiha in surprise.

"Why are you staying?" he asked curiously, while scratching the back of his head.

Sasuke blushed and muttered.

"I know you live by yourself, and I just kinda wanted to make sure you got home safe."

Naruto chuckled and punched Sasuke's shoulder.

"Aweeee is the wittle Uchiha going soft???"

Sasuke put him in headlock and whispered in his ear.

"Don't you ever say that again, or I won't hesitate to snap your neck dobe."

"Haha, bold of you to assume that you can teme."

Sasuke released him and tried to hide the fact that he actually wouldn't be able to snap his neck. Naruto didn't get to think about it for too long though, because his ramen was done cooking, and he was busy inhaling the bowl. Sasuke laughed at the sight, which earned him a glare from Naruto. The raven haired boy then slowly started to eat his own bowl of ramen.

The pair sat there awkwardly eating food. When they finally finished, Sasuke forced Naruto to let him walk him home. The walk there was equally as awkward, but Naruto asked to sit down for a minute for his food to settle. They found a bench, and sat down close to each other.

Sasuke felt his face heating up a little bit, and it didn't help, when the exhausted Uzumaki collapsed onto his shoulder. The day had worn him out, so at last he rested his head on Sasuke's shoulder. Right then, it started pouring down rain, with the drops as big as icicles.

Leaping up in worry, Sasuke grabbed Naruto up bridle style, and ran as fast as he could to Naruto's house. Luckily, the dobe had left his door unlocked, so Sasuke could get into it very easily. The blonde was shaking horribly, and his teeth were chattering.

"C-can I ha-ave som-me tea-a?" he croaked out.

"Yeah, just lemme get a blanket to wrap you up in."

Sasuke ran into Naruto's messy bedroom, and grabbed a blue blanket, then proceeded to drap it around the Uzumaki. He shoved Naruto onto the couch and told him to stay.

"Don't move idiot."

Naruto just nodded in response. Sasuke sighed and brewed some tea. After a few minutes, it was finally ready, so he brought it out to the now sleeping Naruto. He smiled and sat down next to him, placing the sleeping figure into his lap.

"You dobe..."

~The End~

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading all this stuff. I haven't gotten any comments yet, but I now have over SEVEN HUNDRED VIEWS. That's so crazy to me, and I'm just happy that people actually care about what I'm writing so thank you so much! - Iki

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