Shikamaru x Ino: Troublesome Girlfriend...

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Ino waved towards her lazy boyfriend, who was walking towards her. He was obviously very tired, and that was the whole point of her setting this whole thing up.

"Good morning Shikamaru!," Ino called out playfully.

"More like, good evening..."

She playfully smacked him on the arm. "Stop it, you miserable old man."

"Troublesome woman," he groaned, but he grabbed her hand and smiled anyway. They walked hand in hand for a while, until Ino stopped him. They had reached a beautiful park, full of trees and flowers. (Think of the forest flower place from when Ino was helping Sakura overcome her insecurities when they were little.)

"Oh wow. This is beautiful..."

"Yeah... I mean I brought you here for a reason," she giggled. She dragged the pineapple hair right into the field and dragged him down towards the ground. The couple flopped onto their butts and looked out at the setting sun.

"Now rant to me old man. I want to hear your problems," she looked over at him in all honesty.

Shikamaru looked over at her and his eyes grew wide. Her long blonde hair was styled perfectly around her flawless skin, as the fading sun accented her purple attire perfectly. Long story short, Ino glowed. She flicked her fingers in front of his face catching his attention.

"You look so beautiful-"

Ino was caught off guard at his statement. Compliments from Shikamaru were rare, and that meant that they needed to be treasured, and remembered.

"Thanks," she answered, shyly tucking hair behind her ear. She looked away with a small blush on her face.

Shikamaru leaned over and gave her a forehead a small kiss.

"I'm so glad that bastard Uchiha doesn't get that cuteness anymore," he firmly stated. "He doesn't deserve you, even when you are troublesome."

Ino turned bright red. "Whatever.... Let's just get back on topic. I know you're in desperate need of a vent."

He crawled over towards her, and set his head in her lap, while gazing into her captivatingly blue eyes. Time passed by, while Shikamaru let loose of all his struggles, the whole time Ino playing with his long brown hair. Darkness fell upon them, but after a little bit of debate, the two decided to stay there for the night instead of heading back home.

About an hour later, Shikamaru fell asleep, staring into those same blue eyes. Ino had officially relaxed him, and it was likely he wouldn't be tired in the morning. Right before he fell asleep, 'Dammit, now I don't have an excuse for being lazy...'

~The End~

A/N: I said I'd update, and indeed I did.

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