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          Charlize glanced over her shoulder to make sure she was not being followed or that she was not spotted. She quickly kicked off her heels and picked up the pace. Her gown was gathered in her arms as she ran for the waiting car. The gravel poked at her feet and the cold drizzle fell upon her shoulders. She wished she could stop to take in the landscape one final time, but she had to go. Archibald held the car door open for her. She finally reached it, breathless. As soon as she hopped in, he shut the door, got into the drivers seat and screeched off. Charlize let out a sigh of relief and took a moment to catch her breath. She turned and looked back at what she was leaving behind. Her heart ached at the sight of it and the memories that flashed through her mind, but her heart was aching for the new adventure before her even more. The dark sky finally opened up and let down the torrential downpour. The further they were from the estate, the harder it became to see. She faced forward again and settled into the leather seat.
"There are flats for you back there." Archibald said.
"Thanks Archie." Charlize did not want to put them on right away. She wanted to give her feet a moment to breathe from standing in high-heels most of the night.
"Are you alright?" he asked, peeking at her through the rear-view mirror.
"Just fine." She gave him a little smile. She felt for her ring but realized it came off when she tossed her gloves aside. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

            An hour later, they arrived at the airport. Charlize slipped on the shoes Archibald left for her and put on the new leather jacket he purchased for her. He opened the door and helped her out. Charlize was in awe as they entered the airport terminal. There were so many different people that she was never exposed to before. She was so preoccupied by her surroundings that she didn't realized the eyes that were on her.
"...Ms. Charlize?" Archibald said. She snapped back to attention.
"Yes? Sorry Archie." She said. "This is much."
"I understand. Are you sure you still want to do this?" He asked.
"I am." She did not hesitate.
"Your flight is boarding now. Just remember what I told you and call if you have any questions."
"I will Archie. Thank you for everything." She embraced him.
"Of course Ms. Charlize." He smiled. "I am going to miss you dearly."
"Not as much as I'm going to miss you." She replied.
"I will give my friend a call to make sure he is waiting for you as soon as you land."
"Are you sure you are okay with all of this? I do not want to get you into any trouble with my mother."
"It is well worth it." He said. "Now hurry along. Don't want you to miss your flight." Charlize smiled and kissed Archibald on the cheek before hurrying to board the plane. Before she did, she looked back at Archibald one last time and waved. She was finally off on her own.

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