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"Great job today." Gabriel said, as he and Charlize walked toward the back door of the shop. It was her first day and she thought it went well.

"Thank you. I really appreciate all of your help. This is better than anything I could have asked for." Charlize said.
"Of course. You literally saved me." He said.
"From what your brother said, it seemed like I did not save you all of the way."

"Well, you stayed to help me close up so you're still being much more help than I could have asked for." He said. She giggled.
"I just want to learn as much as I can."
"I know it's late and it's been a long day but would you want to get drinks with me?" Gabriel asked.
"I, uh-."
"Honest, it's just a thank you. And to celebrate your first successful day on the job." He said.

"I don't think it is such a good idea. We have to be up early tomorrow."
"Yeah, you're right." He chuckled nervously. "Another time maybe."
"How about Friday? That way it can be a celebration for a first week?" She offered.
"Okay, that sounds better." He said. "Let me get you a cab home."

Gabriel locked up then hailed her a cab. When Charlize arrived home, she had a large smile on her face. She was proud of herself for surviving her first day of a real job. She wanted to call Elliot and tell him all about it, but she knew it was not a good idea. She knew that she would either break down and tell him where she was or would want to hop on an airplane and go back home. But she needed to speak with someone. She decided she would at least call Archibald since she hadn't spoken to him since her first day in the city.
"Hey, you're home late." Roger greeted as she entered the living room. He was cuddled on the couch with Mariah watching television.
"How was your first day?" Mariah asked.
"It was great. I learned a lot." Charlize said.
"Glad you enjoyed it." Roger said. "You hungry? We left you some dinner in the oven."

"Oh no thank you. Stanley took me to lunch when he had a break from class. And I am still quite full." She said.
"That was nice of him." Mariah said.
"I know I have said it many times before, but I just wanted to thank the both of you again."
"Of course hon'." Mariah smiled warmly.
"You don't need to keep thanking us." Roger said.
"I think I am going to give Archie a call and go to bed." Charlize said. "Good night." She said before heading up to her room. She closed the door behind her and called Archibald, waiting impatiently for him to answer.

"Hello. Panda." He greeted.
"Archie. It's so good to hear your voice." She let out a breath of relief.
"How are you?"
"I'm wonderful. I got a job." She said excitedly.
"A job? Wow, that sounds wonderful." He said.
"Stanley actually helped me get it." She said.
"Stanley? Roger's son?"
"Yes, he has been so helpful. I am having a great time here. Everyone has been so nice."
"I am glad to hear it." Archibald said.

"How is Elliot?"

"He is doing quite well. He asked of you." 

"Give him my regards. I still miss the both of you."
"And we miss you as well, but you need to do this for you, so don't miss us too much." He chuckled.
"I will try not to. Bye Archie."
"Bye, Panda." He said. Charlize hung up and let out a sigh before falling back on her bed.

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