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One Month Later

"Aurora, I am quite certain I told Philip deep pink roses. Why are these so bright?" Elizabeth questioned, holding up the lone rose she plucked from a bundle that lined the entrance of the Great Hall.
"I will find out right away ma'am." Aurora said. Before she scurried off, Elizabeth stopped her. She stared at the flower and sighed.
"It's too late for him to fix this. Just tell him we will no longer be using his services in the future." She replaced the flower and examined the rest of the bustle in the hall as her staff finished last minute preparations for the gathering they were holding in just a few hours.

"What was that I heard about services?" Henry asked, joining her side.
"Philip brought the wrong flowers so we won't be needing him again." She said facing him.
"Darling, it must have been an honest mistake." He said. She arched an eyebrow at him. "All I am saying is that you could give him another chance. I'm sure he would want to remedy this."
"I think not. With a big a request as this was, the one thing you should have gotten right is the color." She said.
"You are upset over a color?" He said dryly. She frowned at him.
"Yes." She turned away from him started out of the hall. He followed. "With all we went through to get the Ramsey's back, I need to make sure everything is perfect."

"I am sure they would not have minded a change in flower color that they wouldn't have even known about to begin with."
"I would know. I'm not letting that stand." She said.

"And you were doing so well." He said under his breath with a sigh.
"What was that?" She stopped abruptly and faced him, genuine curiosity in her tone. He smiled.
"Nothing." He kissed her on the cheek and she smiled. "When is Arielle arriving?"
"She should be here soon-."

"Elizabeth." A voice called. They turned to see the Ramsey's walking in their direction, being led by Archibald.

"Cicely, darling, you're early." Elizabeth said, greeting her with kisses on her cheeks before greeting Titus and Darlene.
"We couldn't wait any longer and I thought I could come help." Cicely said.
"That's fantastic, but we are already wrapping up. I was just on my way to get ready." Elizabeth said. "Speaking of," she turned to Darlene, "you look stunning, as always."
"Thank you Madam Covington." Darlene smiled and curtsied.
"I'm sure you are looking to see Elliot?"
"If I may?" Darlene nodded.
"Archibald will escort you, if you don't mind?" Elizabeth asked.
"Of course not. Right this way." He said before leading Darlene away.
"Henry, there are some matters I would like to discuss with you about the estate we are looking to acquire for the soon to be married couple." Titus said.
"Ah, yes. We still have a few things to finalize." Henry said before the two men excused themselves, leaving the two women alone.

"I am glad we were able to sort out the mess between us." Elizabeth began.
"As am I. This union would have been a terrible waste." Cicely said. "I am glad we came to a mutual understanding." They smiled at each other. "Come, come." She looped her arm through Elizabeth's and pulled her along. "We can't have the mother of the soon to be groom late for her own event."

Within a few hours, the hall was filled with friends, some family, and spectators. The happy couple was the center of attention as the announcement of their engagement finally became official. Music played and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Especially Elliot and Darlene who were all smiles as they greeted guest after guest. Halfway through the night, they were finally able to take a break and spend time speaking with their friends.

"I truly could not be more happy for you." Dimitri said, patting Elliot on his shoulder.
"Thank you, Dimitri." He glanced over at Darlene who was just a few feet away giggling with her friends. When she was around, he could barely take his eyes off her. Back when he found out the Ramsey's no longer wanted them to marry, he was crushed. However, he did not let that stop him. He did not back down and was adamant about being with Darlene. With the help of Henry, they were able to get the families together to sort it out. Although they were hesitant about the situation with Charlize, he was able to explain it to them. After that, Cicely and Elizabeth were able to discuss their differences and the union was back on. He was glad he didn't give up because he didn't know what he would have done if he let this opportunity pass him by. "I am quite happy myself." They shared a laugh.
"Have you spoken to Charlize lately? Does she know?" Dimitri asked.
"Of course she does. And if you would like to know, she will be back for the wedding." He winked.
"But just to visit?"

"I do not have an answer for that." Elliot said honestly. Dimitri nodded.

"I still can't believe she hasn't been home yet." He sighed.
"What? You thought she would come running back as soon as she saw you?" Elliot teased.
"Wishful thinking." Dimitri shrugged before taking a sip of the drink in his hand while Elliot chuckled. "How do you think she's going to react being home to...all of this?" They both took a moment to scan the room. Henry and Elizabeth were laughing haughtily with a group of their guests. Arielle was wrapped around her husband, swaying to the music with stars in her eyes. Archibald was off to the side enjoying a drink and observing the scene as well.
"Who knows? So much has changed." Elliot said.
"Yes it has-." He was interrupted by gasps buzzing through the room. Whispers quickly followed. Elliot and Dimitri both craned their necks in the direction of the commotion.
"Oh my goodness." Elliot smiled when his eyes landed on who was turning heads. He quickly pushed through the crowd, forcing the still clueless Dimitri to follow.

She knew people would be surprised to see her but she did not expect everyone to completely stop and stare. It made her uncomfortable. The whispering wasn't making anything better but as her mother always taught her, keep your composure no matter what. She straightened her back and searched for a more familiar face other than the ones she had seen in passing. A smile spread across her face when she spotted who she was initially looking for. He had a large smile on his face as he approached her as well.

"Archie." She nearly ran into his arms. He held her tight.
"It's great to have you here Ms. Charlize." He said.
"I've missed you so much." She felt herself tearing up. He took a step back to look her over.

When she landed, Archie had arranged transport to his home where he had clothes waiting for her to change into. Then she was brought right over. She may have looked like her old self again, but she didn't feel like it. Now, she felt more sure of who she was.
"Lovely as always." He said. Her smile widened more, if it was even possible.

"Charlize." She quickly looked to see Elliot making his way toward her. She hurried over, meeting him halfway. "What are you doing here?" He asked, after letting her go from the embrace.

"It was time to come home." She said simply.

"For good?" Dimitri asked. She glanced over Elliot's shoulder to see him standing not far from them, eyes wide at the sight before him. Her eyes were just as wide and her jaw fell open.
"Your hair." She said, leaving Elliot's side and walking over to him. In all of the years she had known him, she had never seen him with short hair. Now, the once long curls were reduced to short, soft ones that sat atop his head with the sides faded. "You cut it." She continued to stare in awe.
"I did." He said with a chuckle. "Now are you going to answer my question?" Before he could, there was a loud shriek that came from behind her. They turned to see Elizabeth, Henry, and Arielle with her husband.
"Is that really you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Hello mother." Charlize said. Back straight, hands clasped in front of her, head high, and pleasant smile on her face. She gave a small curtsy and a more genuine smile when acknowledging Henry.

"You're home." Arielle said. She seemed to be struggling with herself, unsure of what to do or how to properly greet her sister.
"So are you." Charlize did not look in her direction.
"It is really great to see you." Henry beamed.
"You as well Henry." Charlize said.
"Wow, we have much to catch up on." He said.
"We do." Her gaze fell on her mother who tightened her jaw.

"Come, let's get you a drink." Elliot said leading her away. "And I can finally introduce you to Darlene." Her smile returned.

"I'd like that."

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