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"Thank you so much for the meal Ms. Mariah. It was delicious." Charlize said, helping her clear the dishes from the table.
"Thanks sweetheart. Have a seat. I'll take care of this." Mariah said. Charlize obeyed.
"Are you ready for your official tour tomorrow?" Roger asked.
"Tomorrow? Is there anything you can show me tonight? I am much too excited to wait until tomorrow." Charlize said.
"Well I was meeting up with some friends tonight but I thought you would just be tired." Stanley said.
"Not the least bit." She said.
"Archie warned me that you were full of this much energy." Roger said. "You up for it?" He asked Stanley.
"Yeah, it's no problem." Stanley said. "Gives you a chance to see the night life in you're actually tired tomorrow."
"I'll go get my jacket." Charlize hopped up and hurried up to her new room.
"Highly doubt that's going to happen." Henry said as he and Stanley shared a laugh.

Charlize excitedly grabbed her jacket and phone to take photos and went back to the living room.
"Have her back at a decent time tonight please. I don't want to have to tell Archie that you kept her out all night." Roger said.
"No problem." Stanley stood. "See you later."
"So where are we going?" Charlize asked as they entered the cab.
"Meeting a few friends in the city. Glenn and Faye." He said. "Then we're probably going to meet up with a few more people. Just to hang out."
"Do you often go out so late at night?" Charlize asked.
"It's only eight." He chuckled. "You don't go out at all do you?"
"No. I mean, there's nowhere to go anyway." She said. "The only time I leave my house is to sometimes visit my friend Abbie or some Duke, Duchess, et cetera that my parents want me to."
"Wow. That's...very uneventful."
"Tell me about it." She sighed.
"What about your sister? You don't visit her?"
"No." She scoffed. "We are not close. I'm much closer with my step-brother than I am with her. I would trade him for her in a heartbeat."
"That bad?"
"We are just nothing alike. Complete opposites." She began. "She is the "perfect child" my parents could have dreamed for. She follows all of the rules and never does anything fun. Whenever I step out of line or do something my parents wouldn't like, she would tell on me."
"Both of my parents would come down on me for every little thing. They wouldn't let me ride horses for fun, only like a "lady"."
"How do you ride a horse like a lady?" Stanley chuckled.
"I could only take my horse for a leisure stroll. I couldn't race with...I couldn't ride freely and I always had to have guards with me." Charlize said. "I tried to get my sister to break away from the guards with me one time and she told on me so I ran off anyway and got in so much trouble when I got home, I wasn't allowed to see my horse for two weeks. But I would sneak out anyway."
"You are quite the rebel aren't you?"
"You couldn't tell already?" She joked. He laughed. "When my dad died a few years ago, I didn't want to ruffle any more dresses so I "calmed down" some. But something was always biting at me. My mom was priming my sister and I to get married and she was looking forward to it - she enjoyed all of the parties and meeting people - but that was not what I wanted. I wanted to marry on my own terms. I mean if I even wanted that in the first place." She looked down at her empty hands again. "I was slowly losing my mind. My mother and sister were the perfect pair with one another. I had Abbie but she lives a half day's ride away-."
"You don't have cars?" He asked curiously.
"We do, but it's very traditional where I come from, to not use it as the main transportation. And riding a horse or in a carriage is much more fun anyway. It just slows things down and not make you feel like you are always in a rush."
"I can definitely get that. But this is the wrong place to be if you want to slow things down."
"I'm not looking to slow things down. I want to take in as much as possible before my parents find me and try to drag me back."
"What are you going to do if they do come to get you?"
"I'm not sure. But I don't want to go back. It's lonely there."
"I know Abbie is far, but you still have her. And you have a brother, right?"
"Yeah. And Archie."
"See? There are some people."
"You're right." She agreed. "I thought when my mother was going to get remarried it would be the worst thing ever but Elliot came to live with us and things were a little better. He was nothing like his father. We had a lot more in common and we rebelled together." She smiled as the memories of their mischief flooded her mind. "We skipped lessons together, he would take the blame for me - unlike my sister - and was always ready to defend me."
"You miss him?"
"I do. But I know he's probably just laughing right now. I remember when I hypothetically brought up the idea of running away. He helped me flush out a plan and talked about how mad our parents would be, but he encouraged it."
"Did he know you were being serious?"
"No. I don't think he actually thought I would really go along with it."
"I don't mean for this to sound weird, because I don't know your customs but you're almost twenty-one. Why is this such a big deal? Shouldn't you be on your own anyway?"
"Where I'm from, you stay with your parents until your married because that is the proper thing to do. Then you go live with your spouse. It's tradition." She explained. Stanley nodded.
"'ve never dated before or anything like that? You're just supposed to marry someone that your parent's strongly "suggest"?"
"Yeah, I guess so. It's all about politics and not doing anything that may disgrace the family."
"From what you've been telling me, I feel like this is another rule you've probably broken?" He said.
"Uh, no, actually." She cleared her throat. "There...I'm sorry. I'm just going on and on about me. You don't need to hear all of this."
"Hey, I don't mind. It's cool learing about you and where you're from. Tells me how much trouble I can actually get you in and what we should probably stay away from." He said. She laughed.
"You want to get me into trouble?" She asked.
"That's what you're here for right? To have a little fun before you may or may not get whisked back to your old life?"
"Don't worry, I won't get you into too much trouble. I don't need my parents to murder me. Or this Archie guy. He sounds like the person to pop up and kill me without me even knowing it."
"He probably could, but he's a good guy." She said. They laughed.
"Well, as your designated tour guide, I promise to keep you safe." He vowed.
"Why thank you." She smiled.
"Here we are." The cab driver said. Stanley paid him and Charlize excitedly hopped out of the cab. Stanley was sure to be quick behind her before she wandered off.
"Wow. All of these lights." She said looking around.
"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet." Stanley said. "Come on." He led the way and they walked to a park. Charlize was not expecting to see so many people out but she loved the lively ambiance. There was music playing from somewhere she could not place and there were various sweet and savory aromas dancing in the air.
"Glenn, Faye." Stanley called to two people sitting on a bench chatting.
"Yo, finally." Glenn said as he stood to dap him up. Faye was next to give him a hug.
"This is Charlize." Stanley introduced. "Charlize, these are my friends Glenn and Faye." Charlize stopped herself from curtsying and instead smiled and waved. Glenn and Faye looked back and forth between the two with their eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
"You never said you had a sister?" Faye said.
"She's not my sister." Stanley chuckled.
"Oh, your cousin." Faye said.
"No, we're not related. She's a family friend." Stanley said.
"Y'all deadass look alike. You sure you're not related?" Glenn asked.
"I'm pretty sure." Stanley said with another chuckle.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Charlize." Faye said finally.
"Yeah. Where are you from?" Glenn asked.
"Out of town." Stanley said.
"Out of town, where?" Faye asked.
"Up north." Stanley interrupted. "She's from Canada."
"Dope. So you're just visiting?" Glenn asked.
"Yes. For a little while." Charlize said.
"Welcome to New York." Faye said. "Can we go get those cupcakes now. It's the last night they're out here."
"We can always go to the shop." Glenn said.
"Yeah, but they don't sell the white chocolate raspberry cupcakes at the shop so vamos." Faye began walking and the others followed.
"What is a cupcake?" She whispered to Stanley.
"You're kidding. You don't know what a cupcake is?" He asked back. She shook her head. "You know what a regular cake is though right?"
"Yes. I love cake."
"Well a cupcake is the same thing, but smaller."
"Then why is it not just called a mini cake?" She asked.
"Great question, I do not have an answer." He said. "But off all things you've seen and done today, this is what throws you off?"
"Archie just told me about big picture things." She said.
"Makes sense." Stanley nodded.

A few minutes later, they arrived at a little cupcake truck that had a line of about eight people. The sweet smell wafting in the air made Charlize's mouth water.
"They have the best cupcakes anywhere." Faye said to Charlize.
"I can't wait to taste one." Charlize said with a smile.
"Are you in school Charlize?" Glenn asked.
"Um, no." She replied.
"Really? What do you do?" Faye asked. "And don't tell me you're still in high school because you look like it but I didn't want to say anything."
"High school?" Charlize looked to Stanley.
"Don't take it the wrong way. I just meant you look mad young. That's a good thing." Faye said.
"Depending on what you're planning to get into." Glenn said with a raised eyebrow.
"She's not in high school. an event planner." Stanley said. "She works with her mom."
"Yes. I love to plan events." Charlize went along with it.
"That sounds fun." Faye said. "So does that mean you go to a lot of parties?"
"More than I can count." She said.
"How long have you been doing that?" Glenn asked.
"Ah, a very long time now. Very long." She said.
"Cool." Faye nodded.
"What about the two of you? Do you go to school with Stanley?" Charlize asked. She wanted to quickly get off of the subject of her before she said the wrong thing and ruined her first night out.
"Yeah we do. We all met freshman year." Glenn said.
"Do you study the same thing?" Charlize asked.
"Oh hell no." Glenn said. They laughed.
"I'm getting my MBA right now." Faye said.
"And I'm in law school." Glenn said.
"Wow. That...that is very cool." Charlize managed.
She stayed quiet as they waited in line and listened to Stanley, Glenn, and Faye share laughs instead. There was something that made her feel a bit left out, but then again, she was just grateful she was able to experience something new. Hear conversations that had nothing to do with her. See people who were not looking to impress or please her. It was a breath of fresh air.
"What are you in the mood for?" Stanley asked. They were next in line and the long wait was finally almost over. Charlize had a sweet tooth and was ready to take full advantage of it that night. There was much to celebrate.
"Anything with chocolate." She said.
"I gotchu." Stanley nodded.
"Hey, my favorite people." The man in the truck greeted with a wide smile.
"What's good Gabe." Glenn was the first to greet him.
"Why are you all always hanging out without me?" Gabriel asked.
"Why are you always working?" Faye shot back.
"You right." Gabriel said, making the others laugh. "But if I wasn't working, these cupcakes wouldn't be here."
"So you know why we're here then." Faye said. More laughter.
"What can I get you?" He asked.
"White chocolate raspberry, por favor." Faye said.
"Oh, got the last one." He said taking out the large pastry and putting it in a little box for her. She paid and stepped aside. Glenn ordered his and did the same.
"Can I have a cinnamon roll and the double thunder clap for her." Stanley said when it was his turn.
"That's a new face." Gabriel said meeting Charlize's eyes.
"This is Charlize. Charlize, Gabriel." Stanley introduced. "She's visiting from Canada."
"Oh yeah? I have family up there. What part?" He asked.
"A really small part in the French area." Stanley began. "Nunavut. Way north."
"Oui, tres au nord." Charlize nodded with a smile.
"Cool. Eh bien bienvenue." Gabriel said.
"Merci." She replied. Gabriel handed them the cupcakes and they thanked him.
"What are you getting into tonight?" Gabriel asked Stanley.
"Just hanging out and showing her around. Probably going to meet up with Kell and the others at Seis later." Stanley said.
"Maybe I'll meet up with you." Gabriel said.
"You should definitely come. We haven't hung out with you in a minute." Glenn said.
"Yeah, come." Faye insisted.
"Text us when you close up and I'll let you know where we end up." Stanley said.
"Sounds good. I'll see you later." Gabriel waved them off.
"What do you think?" Faye asked Charlize.
"Gabriel seems like a very nice person. The both of you also. And I am in love with the city." Charlize said.
"I was talking about the cupcake but that's good to know." Faye said.
"Oh right." Charlize laughed. She took a bite of the delightful chocolate cupcake. "This is the best cake I've ever tasted."
"Isn't it? Gabriel really found his calling." Faye said.
"He made all of the cupcakes?" She asked.
"For the most part. Him and his brother own Sweet Escape, which is a bakery." Glenn said.
"You must take me there. This is delicious." Charlize took another bite.
"Another day." Stanley chuckled.
"So, where are we going next?"

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