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With two guards behind her, Elizabeth stormed up to her sister's estate. With each passing mile, the anger within her grew. The tension was in her jaw and she kept her eyes glued to the scenery which did little to calm her. Arielle offered to accompany her, but Elizabeth refused. It was something she wanted to deal with on her own. She would have told Henry and hoped that he would have joined her, but he was still not speaking to her so she left him alone. With all that occurred the past few days, the fury was brimming and she had just the person to take it out on.

Elizabeth pounded on the door and waited impatiently for it to be opened. When it did, the doorman was surprised to see her standing there.
"Madam-." She didn't let him finish before she pushed past him with her guards.
"Liza!" She yelled out as she made her way to the common room. She stood with her arms crossed and waited. After a few moments, a confused Liza entered the room with the frightened doorman behind her.
"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?" She asked, deep in confusion. A slow sardonic smile appeared on Elizabeth's face.
"I just decided to drop in dear sister." She said. "It's been a while." Liza was similar to Elizabeth in personality. Always saving face in the moment of adversity, never letting it show that they were shaken. They used to be close because they were so much alike but slowly drifted over the years. Elizabeth wasn't sure why for so long, but now it was clear to her.
"You should have told me you were coming. I would have properly prepared." She said.

"Oh, this is going to be a short visit." She said, uncrossing her arms and beginning her slow pace across the room toward the fireplace that was raging, but not nearly much as she was. "I just received some news the other day that has...troubled me, for lack of a better word."

"Is it about Charlize? Have you found her yet?" Liza asked. Elizabeth's jaw clenched at the sound of her name leaving her sister's lips. "I wish you would have told me about it sooner. I would have come to you and helped you to look for her."
"Is that so?" Elizabeth faced her. "Even after you found out, where were you?"

"I know how you are. You like to deal with things yourself, so I wait until you ask for help. Even though you never do." The last part was said quietly but was still heard.

"Then there is no need to retroactively offer assistance if you knew I wouldn't as for help." She said. They shared the same hard stare.
"Did you need something?" Liza asked. The pleasantness she had barely been holding onto was now gone.

"Yes." Elizabeth finally approached Liza. "I need you to tell me what happened the summer Charlize and Arielle came to stay with you all those years ago."

"What?" Liza's eyebrows furrowed.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Her tone hardened. "What. Happened?" Elizabeth's nerves were vibrating. Every muscle in her body tense, begging for her to take action to release the buildup, but she refrained. Liza kept eye contact as she swallowed hard.
"Something tells me you already know." Liza's voice was small.

"I want to hear you say it." Elizabeth challenged. Liza couldn't find her words. She had to look away from her sister's menacing glare. She couldn't take it anymore.
"Elizabeth I'm sorry." Elizabeth reached out and slapped Liza across the face, making her stumble backward.
"How dare you?!"

"Elizabeth, please-." Liza quickly tried to back away from Elizabeth who was still coming toward her.
"And you had the nerve to lie to me about it?"

"I didn't know what else to do." She tried. Elizabeth slapped her again, this time sending her to the floor. Liza covered her head, cowering in fear.

"You could have told me – you should have told me." Elizabeth raged.

"I would have lost him." Liza whimpered, looking up at her sister through tear-filled eyes. "I would have had nothing if he was gone." Elizabeth could not believe what she was hearing.

"Why are you protecting him? What he did was disgusting!"
"He's changed."

"I don't give a damn." Elizabeth seethed. "Be thankful you only have sons, but even with that I wouldn't be so sure they were left alone."

"He would never." Liza's eyes narrowed. Elizabeth scoffed.
"Where is your husband?" She signaled for her guards before crossing her arms.


"I just want to talk."

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