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Heads continued to turn as Charlize found her way to baggage claim. She kept her back straight and head high as she was taught since she was a little girl, but on the inside, she was shaking. When she received her luggage, she followed the directions given to her by Archibald to where she was to meet his friend. She clutched the cellphone he had given her in case she did not remember where she was to meet the friend. As she passed by a group of waiting people, some holding up signs. A name on one of the signs made her stop.
"Panda?" The man asked. She smiled and made her way over to him.
"You must be Archie's friend." She said.
"I am. Roger Farro at your service." He said bowing. She giggled.
"Very nice to meet you." She curtsied back.
"May I take your bags for you?"
"Thank you." She said handing it over.
"Right this way Ms. Charlize." He led the way toward the exit. "I hope you had a good flight."
"It was so exciting. I wish I could be on a plane more often." She said.
"Yeah, after you get used to it, it's not so great." He said. "But welcome to the Big Apple. You're going to love it here."
"I hope so. Archie has told me so many stories about this place. I can't wait to have a look around."
"Can't wait to show you around. But I'm sure you wouldn't want old folks like my wife and I to be your tour guides."
"Are you kidding? I would be so grateful." Charlize said.
"You're too kind. Mariah and I will be glad to show you some of our favorite places as, but our son has agreed to give you a tour and show you all the cool young spots and help you get settled."
"That sounds amazing. Thank you." She said. When they stepped outside, the early November chill hit her. Rather than shivering, she closed her eyes and embraced it. "I love this weather." She smiled to herself.
"Not too cold for you?" Roger asked.
"Not at all. This is usually as cold as it gets where I'm from. But Archie mentioned that it gets colder?"
"You ain't seen nothing yet." They arrived at a black Range Rover. He opened the passenger door for her before going to put her bags in the trunk. He climbed into the driver seat and started the car.
"I should probably give Archie a call and let him know I have landed." Archibald had already programmed his and Roger's numbers in there. She found his name in the contacts, pressed the call button and waited for him to answer.
"Hello Panda." Archibald greeted.
"Hi Archie. I'm in New York." She gushed excitedly.
"Fantastic. Are you with Roger?"
"Yes, we are on our way to his home now. He is very kind." She smiled at Roger who smiled back.
"I needed the best to look after you. Roger will do that for sure."
"How is everything at home?" Charlize was curious to know how much chaos she caused.
"Things are beginning to turn upside down, but you don't worry about that now." He said. "You have other things to look ahead to."
"Are you alright?"
"Oh yes. I'm fine. Once your mother has calmed down, I'm sure she will be calling for me." He said.
"I'm surprised she hasn't called for you already." She said with a slight laugh. He chuckled.
"She has been too busy dismissing guests and secretly sending out security to search for you. Her mind is a bit preoccupied." He explained.
"Thank you Archie." She said. "And what of Elliot."
"He has been quite amused by the entire situation. He found your letter and came to me. He seems to understand but I fear it is only a matter of time before he goes looking for you." Archibald said.
"As long as I have time to figure myself out first."
"Of course Ms. Charlize."
"I miss you Archie." She said.
"I miss you too. Unfortunately I must go, but please call again soon."
"I will. Goodbye." She said before hanging up.
"Man, I tell ya', I sure do miss Archie too." Roger said. "Such a great guy."
"Yes, he is." She smiled.

As Roger drove through the traffic, he pointed out certain landmarks to her and gave her the basic rundown of New York, promising she would learn more along the way and from his son. When they arrived at the large home, Roger helped to carry her bags inside. A woman that was a few inches shorter than Charlize with deep brown skin and a kinky afro came out from the living room to greet them.
"Charlize, this is my wife, Mariah." Roger introduced.
"It's so nice to meet you." Mariah smiled warmly and embraced her. "Welcome."
"Thank you. I really appreciate the two of you allowing me to stay with you." Charlize said.
"Of course. Anything for Archie." Mariah said.
"You know Archie as well?"
"Absolutely. There was no knowing Roger without Archie. They were attached at the hip." Mariah laughed. "Come on in. Are you hungry?" Charlize set her shoes along side the others and followed Mariah into the living room.
"Something smells delicious." Charlize took a deep inhale as she sat on the couch.
"Mariah is the best cook I know." Roger said.
"He's only saying that because it's true." Mariah said. They laughed. "Take your jacket off, relax. Can I get you something to drink?"
"Yes please. Anything is fine. Thank you." Charlize said.
"Is Stanley home?" Roger asked.
"No, but he should be soon." Mariah said before going into the kitchen.
"Stanley is your son?" Charlize asked.
"Yes, he's about your age. He's in college studying biochemistry or something along those lines." He said. "Were you in school?"
"Not school the way Archie told me it was like here." Charlize said.
"You're twenty-one right?"
"Almost. In two weeks."
"Wow, leaving home right before the big birthday?"
"If I did not, I would be betrothed to a man of my mothers choosing before the year is up." Charlize said.
"Right. Archie did mention that." Roger said.
"Yes. I just wanted a chance to be away from them and explore life before I end up like my sister." She tried not to but could not help but to roll her eyes.
"Here we are." Mariah returned with a tray of drinks and handed Charlize a glass of peach iced tea. She thanked her and took a long sip, not realizing how thirsty she was. "Did you want to change hon'? It must have been a long flight in that gown."
"Oh it was. And that sounds like a great idea." She set the glass down on the coaster and stood.
"Here, let me show you to your room." Roger stood as well and carried her bag up to the guest room where she was to be staying. The cozy decor made her feel warm inside. The neutral tones with splashes of burgundy reminded her of her own room back home. "I know it is probably nothing compared to your castle, but I hope it will do."
"This is perfect. Thank you." She said. "And I did not live in a castle." Roger chuckled.
"The bathroom is right across the hall. Make yourself at home." He said. She thanked him and he left, closing the door behind him.
Charlize opened her suitcase that was filled with mostly new clothes, courtesy of Archie. She took out a pair of blue jeans and a black sweater. She was almost never allowed to wear black because her mother claimed it was very "unladylike". Her favorite gown was in black but she was only allowed to wear it one time before her mother declared that she was to never wear it again. Charlize changed and let her long curly brown hair out of its tight bun, bringing much needed relief. She took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. Her brown skin seemed to glow with her newfound freedom. She smiled at herself before returning down to the living room. There was a new person in there that Charlize assumed was Stanley. He stood to greet her. Mariah introduced them. He was much taller than her and had hazel eyes, like hers, with curly hair that sat in a bun atop of his head. He had light brown skin and dark brown hair, and he wore glasses.
"Nice to meet you." He smiled and shook her hand. She immediately noticed his dimples and straight white teeth.
"Nice to meet you as well." She replied with a curtsy. She couldn't help it. He chuckled and bowed.
"Dinner is ready so why don't we all come have a seat?" Mariah suggested.
"Sounds good to me." Roger said. "Let's eat."

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