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           "Elliot! Dear boy!" A jolly looking man who had eaten two too many cakes in his time wobbled over to Elliot and Charlize with a drink in his hand. Charlize did not recognize him, but Elliot seemed to.
"Mr. Oak." Elliot smiled back. "How are you?"
"Very well thank you." He shook Elliot's hand then bowed to Charlize. "Ms. Charlize, you look beautiful as always."
"Thank you." She gave him a little nod and smile.
"This is a fine party. Have your parents arrived yet?" Mr. Oak asked.
"Not yet. They should be arriving soon. Would not miss their own party." Elliot said.
"Very well. I was going to wait but I wanted to introduce my nephew to you Ms. Charlize." He turned and signaled to someone. Charlize shot Elliot a look and he returned one of reassurance. A young man who was about her height, wearing a navy blue tux approached. He had slick black, coiffed hair and a suave look about him. "Charlize, I would like you to meet my dear nephew, Gerard Richfield." Mr. Oak introduced.
"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Charlize." Gerard bowed and kissed her hand. Charlize smiled politely.
"And this is her sttep-brother Elliot." Said Mr. Oak. Elliot smiled and shook his hand. "Gerard will be staying with me for the winter to learn more about following in my footsteps."
"I am looking forward to it uncle." Gerard said. "And hopefully spending time here as well."
"Here?" Elliot repeated.
"Yes, your father and I will be working very closely together in the coming months so we will be visiting the estate quite often." Said Mr. Oak.
"I guess we will be seeing you around." Elliot said. "If you will excuse us, we must go greet the rest of our guests in the stead of our parents."
"See you around." Gerard said as Elliot guided them away.
"I cannot believe our parents are doing this." Charlize said to Elliot.
"Don't worry dear sister, it is only the beginning." Elliot said with a sigh.
"Promise you won't leave my side tonight?" She said.
"Of course." He said. "Is everything alright?"
"Just fine. I don't think I am in the mood for small talk and I don't want to say anything that will cause mother to be upset with me." Charlize said. "I do not want to deal with that."
"Then I will be the one to make the witty comments. My father and I haven't gotten into a fight in some time now. I feel it's about time to ruffle some feathers." He joked. Charlize giggled.
            Although she was serious about not wanting to cause any problems that evening, she just wanted to spend as much time as possible with her step-brother before it was time for her to depart later that evening. She was nervous, but excited and a little saddened. Most of all she was hoping that she would not be caught. She could not bear the idea of having to say goodbye because there was no way she was changing her mind. Her bags were packed and she left a note. She was ready.

            More guests arrived and music filled the room along with hearty chatter. As promised, Elliot stayed by Charlize's side. They were approached by many guests and Elliot did most of the talking. Women who were hoping to get his attention came by as well but Elliot stuck to his mission. Charlize told him it was okay for him to go dance but he refused and claimed to not be in the mood. She saw Archibald pass by and he silently gave her the signal. She nodded but wanted to wait a little longer. She was hoping her best friend Abbie would arrive before she made her exit. She wanted to be able to see her one last time.
"Oh my." A voice said, bringing her from her thoughts. She and Elliot were chatting with his cousin Jacob and another mutual friend, Alexa, when they were approached by a tall gentleman in a stark white admiral suit and two other gentlemen wearing black tuxes. "You must be the enchanting Charlize Beaumont I have heard so much about." He said. He took her and kissed it, taking a bow.
"And you are?" Charlize asked.
"Admiral Charles Greyton." He introduced. "This is my good friend Eric Stedman and my cousin, Prince Lewis Weston."
"Prince you say?" Alexa stepped up. "Alexa Burton." She smiled and held out her hand to him. He smiled and shook it.
"You are more beautiful than I have ever imagined." Charles said. Elliot cleared his throat and stepped up.
"Elliot Covington." He said holding out his hand to Charles.
"Oh. Her...suitor?" He asked.
"Heavens no. Her brother. And this is my cousin Jacob Covington."
"You – brother? How?" Prince Lewis asked.
"Is it because she's Black and I'm White?" Elliot said. "We get that a lot but I hope you know that we can still be family through marriage."
"Of course. He knew that. Please excuse him." Charles said. "And it is a pleasure to meet you."
"Where are you from Charles?" Jacob asked.
"Shroudkeep." Charles answered.
"Wow. Quite a ways away. And it explains so much." Elliot said, glancing briefly at Prince Lewis who seemed to be slowly turning red. "How have you come to hear of my sister from over there?"
"Ah, her beauty could not be kept hidden from the rest of the world." Charles kept his eyes on Charlize but she looked away from him. She definitely was not in the mood to entertain.
"You were invited by our parents I presume?" Elliot said.
"Yes. An invitation I would not dare refuse. When you are invited by the Beaumont household, you must attend."
"Of course." Elliot said.
"Charlize, would you like to dance?" Charles asked, bringing her attention back to him.
"Oh, I'm not the best dancer." She tried.
"I don't mind." He stepped closer. "I'm not the best dancer myself."
"How about we chat for a little longer before you whisk my sister away for the rest of the evening?" Elliot suggested.
"Grand idea." Alexa perked up. "So how is it being a prince?"
"Ah, it's nothing special." Prince Lewis said. "You know how it is." He said to Elliot.
"I would...if I was a prince." Elliot said.
"You may as well be." Jacob said. They all laughed but Charlize just smiled, although it did not quite reach her eyes. She was now becoming anxious.
"Oh look, Dimitri has arrived." Elliot said turning their attention to the entrance. Charlize held her breath when she saw him glancing around. He stood astute in his black tux. His hands behind his back and his hair pulled back in a low ponytail with his curls more defined than usual.
"You invited him?" Charlize whispered to Elliot.
"Of course. He is my friend." Elliot said nonchalantly before waving Dimitri over. He smiled when he spotted the group and made his way over. He greeted everyone and stopped when he reached Charlize, swallowing hard.
"Charlize. Lovely as always." He bowed, keeping his eyes on hers.
"Dimitri." She curtsied and looked away.
"This is my good friend Dimitri." Elliot introduced. "Dimitri this is Eric, Charles, and Lewis."
"Sure." Dimitri said, uninterested.
"Charles here is trying to court my sister." Elliot said.
"I – uh – well-." Charles fumbled.
"Is that so?" Dimitri looked amused. "Have you met her mother yet? I don't think it is going to be as easy as you believe." Charlize stopped herself from changing her expression to something less pleasant.
"He was personally invited." Eric chimed in.
"Of course you were." Dimitri smiled. "As were half of the men in here I presume."
"Were you one of them? Eric asked.
"Oh no. Her mother would have a fit if she knew I was here." Dimitri said.
"Is that so? She didn't find your ponytail...fluffy enough?" Charles asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Who would like another drink?" Jacob asked.
"How about after our dance. Charlize?" Charles held his hand out to her.
"After I run to the ladies room. Please excuse me." Charlize hurried away. She couldn't waste any more time. It was time to go.

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