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"I'm telling you Dimitri, I've never felt like this before." Elliot sighed. Dimitri chuckled at the love struck look on his friend's face. It had only been a week since he met Darlene and she was all that was on his mind. They had seen each other twice more since the dinner for supervised walks and time in the garden. They spent hours speaking of everything and anything. He was beyond smitten.

"I am happy for you." Dimitri said. The two were meeting for a quick lunch since it had been a while since they had spoken last. Although Dimitri was glad to hear about his friend's newfound happiness, he had to admit that he had his own reasons for being there.
"She's...perfect." Elliot said, staring off into the distance with a complacent smile on his face.

"So, when is the official announcement?" Dimitri asked.
"Huh?" Elliot finally snapped back to reality.
"It's clear that she's the perfect match for you. I'm surprised Queen Mother hasn't set a date already."

"She's been occupied with Charlize." Said Elliot.

"Oh?" They took a moment to thank Sarah and Maggie who worked around them to clear the table.
"Word has been getting around that Charlize is missing. Mother has been trying to find out who started the "rumor" that she ran away and has been sending her secret security around to try and track her down since Archibald refused to tell her where Charlize is." Elliot said.
"Doesn't sound like she's taking it well." Dimitri said.
"Not at all. I never thought I'd see the day but she fired Archibald." Dimitri's jaw fell open.

"Fired? When did this happen?" He asked.

"Just the other day."
"And you haven't said anything until now?"
"It's not a big deal. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Elliot waved it off. "Mother is just being dramatic."

"Sounds a lot like what your mother said about Charlize."

"But Archibald didn't run away. Mother fired him because things aren't going her way. Once she calms down, he'll be back." Elliot explained.
"Where has he gone?"

"His house by the country. The same place he spends his time off."

"Were you able to speak to him before he left?" Dimitri asked.

"I did not. I was with Darlene." Elliot said. "I found out from my father when I returned."

"I still cannot believe you are so calm about this. Has Darlene really occupied all of the space in your mind?" Although it was a joke, there was still some truth behind it.

"Possibly." Elliot shrugged. "But I'm sure Archibald will be fine. When we spoke last, he was ready to face the consequences. But I'm afraid that it won't be as easy to hear anything from Charlize as often since he was the only direct line."

"He didn't leave you with a way to contact her?" Dimitri asked. Elliot shook his head. "I don't understand what the big secret is. So what if her mother finds her? It's not like she can drag Charlize back against her own will."

"You have met her mother, haven't you?" Elliot said with one eyebrow raised.
"Okay, fine, but...I don't know." Dimitri leaned back in his chair and sighed. It was his turn to stare out into the distance.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" Elliot asked, seeming to catch on to his friend's shift in demeanor. Dimitri pursed his lips inward as he closed his eyes and took a breath. The silence weaving between them. He sat up and met Elliot's gaze again.

"I've been thinking about her more lately." Dimitri admitted. Elliot just nodded, waiting for him to continue, knowing there was more. "I – I don't know why. I know we weren't on the best terms before she left, but I never stopped thinking about her. And I at least I had the comfort that she was still near with the hope that one day...one day things would work out." He said. "But now, she's gone. No idea where or for how long."

"We will find out soon." Elliot assured.

"I don't think I can wait for soon." Dimitri said. Before Elliot could respond, they were interrupted by a loud clearing of the throat. They looked with a start to see Elizabeth standing by the door. They both stood quickly to greet her.
"I wasn't aware you were going to be in my home today Dimitri." Elizabeth said. Once again, her subtle piercing glare shooting through him. His body tensed.

"It must have slipped my mind to inform you." Elliot stepped in. "My apologies."
"Hm." She gave one last suspicious look to Dimitri before turning her focus to Elliot. "He must be going now. We must prepare to go to General and Lady Daver's home."

"I thought we weren't going for another few hours?" Elliot looked at her puzzled.

"Time flies. Your clothes will be waiting for you." Elizabeth shot another glance at Dimitri before making her exit. The two men looked at one another.

"Maybe it's best Charlize doesn't come home." Dimitri said. Elliot let out a sigh and gave his friend a pat on the shoulder.

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