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It was raining again. Elizabeth sat in the sunroom listening to the sound that she remembered her daughter loved so much. She never understood her infatuation with the rain. Every time the skies opened up, Charlize would run to that very room to be surrounded by the abrasive pounding of the raindrops on the glass. Whenever Charlize went missing and it rained, she could always count on finding her in the sunroom. Just sitting or curled up on a bench with a book. Elizabeth smiled at the gentle memory and took a deep breath.

"Mrs. Covington?" Aurora said gently.

"Yes?" She kept her focus on the rain.

"The Ramsey's are here." Elizabeth's eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"The Ramsey's?"
"Yes ma'am. They wish to speak with you." Aurora continued. Elizabeth thought for a moment before standing and smoothing out her gown. She rolled her shoulders back and followed Aurora to the front room where Titus and Cicely were waiting. She put on her first-class smile.

"Cicely, Titus. What a pleasant surprise." Elizabeth said. "What brings you by? Is Darlene here to see Elliot? I haven't seen her in quite some time."
"Darlene is not here." Titus said. Just then, Elizabeth noticed the seriousness on their faces behind the soft, polite smiles. "We are actually here to speak to you about that. Her and Elliot, I mean."
"Yes, of course. I have been meaning to invite you over so we can discuss when we will make the official announcement seeing that they have been getting along so well." Elizabeth said. "Shall we go have some tea and talk it out?"
"That won't be necessary." Cicely said. "Darlene is not going to marry Elliot." The words seemed to cut through Elizabeth, but as always, she did not show it.
"I'm sorry, what?" She said with a slight laugh.
"With this news about Charlize-."
"This has nothing to do with Charlize." Elizabeth tried.
"The Covington-Beaumont name is barely holding water." Cicely continued.
"Excuse me?" Elizabeth's eyebrow arched.
"What she means is," Titus stepped in, "it doesn't look good if we let our only daughter marry into a household where a mother doesn't know the whereabouts of her child. Where she is, what she is doing-."
"As I have said on many occasions, Charlize is visiting family, which frankly is no one's business." Elizabeth tried to bite back the anger sitting on her tongue but she was slowly losing the ability to do so.

"In the middle of a time where she is to be meeting possible suitors? I'm sorry but it does not sound feasible or something that you of all people will allow." Cicely said.
"What I allow under my roof is again, no one's business but my own. Respectfully."
"Well, "respectfully" it is if we are to allow our daughter to marry your son – excuse me, step-son." Cicely said. "Where is Henry by the way? He should be the one hearing this." Before Elizabeth spoke, she held it in and took a breath, thinking first of Elliot.
"I am sure we can work something out and come to an agreement. I mean think of Darlene and Elliot. They are clearly in love." She said. "All of what you're hearing are just rumors. Charlize is set to return before the years end. She just wanted some time to spend with our extended family before she is married off and miles away from home." Cicely arched an eyebrow, clearly standing firm on her word.

"Henry, darling." She requested once again, ever so politely. Elizabeth glowered at her with clenched jaw.

"I'll deliver the message. Aurora will see you out." She turned from them and stalked off.

She went straight into her office and slammed the door. She suddenly felt as if the room was too small. As if the walls were closing in. She gasped for air and slowly slid down to the ground. Her breaths were rapid and shallow. Her hands begun to shake. She clasped them together and tried to take a deep breath.

"I see my desk. A chair. A photo of my family. The window. A painting." She attempted another breath and unclasped her hands. "I can feel the wooden floors. My charmeuse gown. The wall. The brass door handle." Another deep breath. "I can hear the rain." She closed her eyes and focused. "I can hear...the voices of my staff in the hallway...I can hear footsteps." Another breath. "I can smell rose. I can smell lavender." She inhaled deeply. "I can taste..." Elizabeth paused. She slowly opened her eyes. Her breathing was regulated again. She had stopped shaking. Her eyes narrowed and she bit her lip in thought. She suddenly sprung up to her feet and hurried to find Elliot.

The first place she went was his room, knowing how high of a chance there was of him being there. She knocked and was relieved when she heard his voice. She took one last deep breath and entered.
"Elliot, darling, how are you?" She greeted. He was seated at his desk writing something. He set it aside as she approached.
"I'm doing well." He looked at her cautiously. "Did you need something?"

"Um, do you have a minute to speak?"
"Of course." He gestured toward the nearby chair and she took a seat. She clasped her hands together on her lap and cleared her throat before meeting his gaze.
"There is something I need...I need your help." She said. He remained quiet, waiting for her to continue. "I know what you are going to say but please just hear me out."
"I'm listening." He said.
"I need you to find out where Charlize is from Archibald."


"Elliot please. It has been a month. I am worried."

"I understand but Archibald said she is doing fine. I just spoke to him a few days ago." He said.
"That's not enough. I need you to go to her."

"Go to her? I'm not bringing her back if that's what you're trying to ask. Even if I tried, she won't agree unless she is ready and I'm not forcing her."

"I'm not asking you to do that. I just need to know that she is really okay." She said. "I need someone to look her in her eyes and see that she is well and happy."

"I'm sorry but-."
"I am begging you, Elliot." The tears reached the brim of her eyes, slightly shocking Elliot. "I don't need you to bring her back. Just go see her. Take Dimitri if you like, just – please." Elliot studied her carefully. She held onto his gaze. His eyebrows furrowed and he thought scrupulously. He had also been curious about how she was truly doing. Although it was all well and good that Archibald was telling them she was doing well, they all knew Charlize could easily put up a front. For all they knew, she could be miserable but did not want them to worry or to reveal that she had possibly made a mistake. She was stubborn that way. The only way to know is to see her in person. Although it was still hard to read her, it would be a better indication than just her word. After a long moment of contemplation, he agreed.
"Okay." He said. "I will go see her. But only if Archibald also agrees." Elizabeth let out a breath of relief.
"Thank you, Elliot. Thank you so much." She said, wiping the tear that had fallen. "You don't need to tell me the details just give her my love." Elliot nodded. She stood and held out he arms to him. He came from around the desk and embraced her. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and left his room. Smirking as she closed the door behind her.

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